Take up some of ya old artwork

Take up some of ya old artwork

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

I was just taking a break for my bachelor project and came across this:
(You have to copy the link)

I mean stunning artwork, I even think one of it was inspired by Howls moving Castle:b
But I would like to see more “monster” and beasts in Guild Wars.. You done a fantastic job with most of the monsters already in GW2. But seems a bit trival now:)

I know it is a bit too late for the next big update, but try to get some more beasts in in the future.. Love the nightmare, the all teeth-mouth monster etc. They do not have to overpopulate the game, maybe even make em a bit rare:)

Also a I can believe you created such a vivid and beautiful world, and even though it is like a painting, seems living, but in fact it is dead. Don’t have an solution to this:/

Take up some of ya old artwork

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Why do i get a Virus warning when i try to go to that page?