Target Change Issue.

Target Change Issue.

in Suggestions

Posted by: edgethebrave.2845


sometimes, the target changed unintentionally.

i didnt know why it happen but finally i noticed

mouse right click for scroll view is also can click target and change it.

it’s very annoying in intense battle.

so i wanna turn the right click off permernantly.
plz make toggle option for disable mouse right click.

(of course, let it possible to scroll view while right button drag)

anyone else feel same problem??

(edited by edgethebrave.2845)

Target Change Issue.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elektrohund.5086


I recognize this. I remeber one time where I targtetet one centuar and then charged the other one next to him. My Ranger shoots the wrong target sometimes aswell. It might have to do with me pressing the attack button to soon and the character just selects a random target, but I’m not sure.

Targeting have just felt sloppy in general since I started my ranger. I will play some more and try to find out whats actually causing this.

Target Change Issue.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barpat.3516


Use search before opening a new thread, please.

You can thumb up this one here:

Target Change Issue.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moderator.9672


Hi everyone,

This topic is closed. We would like to post and follow the thread given above by Barpart.

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