Dear ArenaNet,
with all the changes being made to the game now, and with what seems like more resources available on your part, I wanted to take the time to point out a couple of Quality of Life fixes to make gameplay more enjoyable. I also wanted to point out a couple aspects of the game that I feel are questionable, and some that I entirely disagree with. These have probably been mentioned more than a couple times already, but a consolidated list might be helpful. If someone has an issue with one of my points, please read the ENTIRE paragraph and point before getting your jimmies rustled. I try my best to put in counterclaims and counterarguments. If you still have something to say, feel free! Community input is appreciated. (Disclaimer: I am relatively new to the game, but have invested a fair amount of time into it, and feel I have a reasonable grasp on much of it, ~400 hours.)
[Second Disclaimer. This post is LONG. There are a lot of points, counterpoints, and a bunch of topics I bring up. Be prepared for a long read. I would suggest scanning the first few words to see what that point is about. Then, if you are interested in a particular topic, read that paragraph, and skip the ones you don’t care about. Also, if you read the whole thing, you’re a cool cat.]
Let me preface this by saying that you guys have made great innovations in many areas, which makes it hard to believe that some other areas seem so unpolished, the biggest offender of which is probably the UI.
User Interface. Action bars, maps, bags.
One is the lack of customization available. I also want to split this into three subsections: Quality of Life (QoL) changes that can’t hurt the game, Potential changes (PotCh) that may or may not hurt, and more Fundamental changes (FunCh) that I feel help the game but may go against its design philosophy.
-QoL: Action bars, target frame isn’t moveable. This is simply player preference here. I see some arguments about how this would grant advantages to players who downsized on information, and frankly it’s really dumb. You’re going to have an advantage if you have a bigger monitor; not implementing this for fear of an unfair advantage is just paranoia. That being said, the Action bars are very clean, and this would rank Very Low on the priority list.
-QoL: Countdown timers with numbers. They are available on personal skills, but not on buffs and debuffs. Not such a big problem, as there are the white outline timers, but a small annoyance with long term buffs like Nourishment. But Paladine, you might say, the icons are too small to put numbers with! Well, again, that’s UI customization. A scaling slider for buffs/debuffs would be handy. Or just put the same outline timer on Nourishment. Really, that’s all I’m after. When do I eat more foods?! Priority: Very Low.
-QoL: No party leader indicator. The issue here, of course, would be that a de facto “leader” of a party shouldn’t have an inherent and unfounded position of power just by forming the group. But the problem isn’t that, it’s that dungeon instances have a “host” of sorts, aka the party leader. If he leaves the dungeon for an emergency, everybody gets kicked out and loses all progress. A small indicator is needed to let us know who will reset the instance if he leaves. Secondly, to make sure that progress isn’t lost in case of emergency, a manual, or preferably automatic, “pass party leader” option should be available to keep this from being a massive pain. Priority: Moderately High.
-QoL: Updated AoE markers. Some bosses (I’m looking at you Giganticus Lupicus) have inaccurate AoE markers, making a frustrating and pointless death. Please fix. Priority: Very High.
-QoL: Confirmation Message Suppressions. Let us set our own threshold of which items trigger a, “Are you sure you wanna do this?”. Salvaging greens takes forever because of it. Alternatively, for salvaging, don’t make it so that clicking “yes” or “no” gets rid of the salvage cursor. Additionally, let us buy multiple items from a vendor. Buying 250 dragonfly cupcakes? Be prepared to spend 5 minutes clicking. Just have the confirmation window say, Are you sure you want to spend X currency on Y items. Priority: Moderately High.
(edited by Paladine.2569)