The Daily Compromise

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenon.4537


Dailies. We have to do them. Every day. Or do we? No, not really, but it sure feels like we do. We need to do them for the ever-amazing ascended trinkets, which are totally not that much better than exotic, but because they have a pretty pink name, we feel compelled. Also, a lot of people can’t find anything else fun to do in this game. I think they are weird, but it’s their opinion and they are entitled to it.

SO… Because we feel we must do dailies, and because we all have lives that get in the way of doing them regularly, I submit Anet make a compromise.

Allow us to “stockpile” some dailies in order to do them later, so to speak. Let’s say I forget to do my Monday – Thursday dailies. Maybe I was working hard all week and couldn’t play. However, I’ve got Friday off, a stack of hotpockets, some 2 liters, and hours of free time. Wouldn’t it be nice if I could do my Friday daily 5 times, and get laurels for the days I missed?

If I miss a day, let it carry over to the next day, and the next, to a max of maybe 10 days. I wouldn’t be getting laurels any faster. If I do my daily on Monday, and wait until Friday, then I would only have 4 laurels to get. I would be doing the same amount of work, just at a different time and pace.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Nah. I got my ascended gear and have over 150 laurels left. Granted I’m going to use them for rare mats for my legendary but still… it’s not really that bad. If you miss one day it’s no big deal.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: AesirValkyr.7418


No. It wouldn’t be called a daily if you didn’t have to do it during that day. What your compromise would be is that we turn our daily into a weekly. If we change dailies into weeklies, then what are you going ask we do to monthlies? Turn those into yearlies?

If you forget to do your Monday – Thursday dailies, then maybe they aren’t that important to you.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dog.1472


Better compromise:

Keep dailies, but add in a way for people to farm for the rewards rather than limit them to once a day.

In the words of an adorable little taco girl, “Por que no los dos?”

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vulcanite.3012


I understand what Xenon is about and it is explained better in my Thread where I prefer the weeklies idea. Not everyone can play everyday and the laurels are not a big miss but if you are on the achievements leaderboard you can’t afford to miss dailies. This idea could also work won’t prefer it though.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: mage.3570


I have 4 characters with +45 AR and I approve the OP’s message.

I hate doing dailies…

Been there, done that. What’s next?

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vulcanite.3012


I have 4 characters with +45 AR and I approve the OP’s message.

I hate doing dailies…

90% of all people do. Since it changed. Way back nobody had a problem with it. They tried to make it this way to get people to play in the other less active zones, but people now just do it in the zone where they can finish the daily the fastest. Thats why so many people are in Queensdale for daily [Group Events], Kills in Kryta, Events in Kryta, Daily Champion defeated. People mostly do that there cuz it’s the fastest way to get their daily out of the way. Not because it is fun playing there again.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I have 4 characters with +45 AR and I approve the OP’s message.

I hate doing dailies…

90% of all people do….

…and 73.6% of internet statistics are made up. Don’t project your opinion on other people. We’re capable of speaking for ourselves.

And, I happen to disagree. I think dailies are fine the way they are. The players’ mindset about dailies somehow being mandatory is the problem, not the dailies themselves.

The ever-annoying reality check argument applies here, too:

This is a game. Nothing is mandatory. If you don’t enjoy it, why are you doing it?

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vulcanite.3012


Can you honestly say you enjoy doing dailies Vick? I’m not talking about the reward that comes with it the daily itself. Do you enjoy that?

You can’t implement the leaderboard for achievements make Dailies give achievement points and expect people not to feel forced to do them.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


…and 73.6% of internet statistics are made up. Don’t project your opinion on other people. We’re capable of speaking for ourselves.

And, I happen to disagree. I think dailies are fine the way they are. The players’ mindset about dailies somehow being mandatory is the problem, not the dailies themselves.

The ever-annoying reality check argument applies here, too:

This is a game. Nothing is mandatory. If you don’t enjoy it, why are you doing it?

Dailies are a time-gate with a carrot at the end whose purpose is to keep people logging in every day. If you miss a daily, it’s lost forever, and it’s about as “optional” as earning gold: if you want to continue progressing to the supposedly easily-achievable statistical maximum, then you are required to do dailies. End of story.

That said, the fact that their purpose is to get people logging in every day also means that anything that removes that limitation is unlikely to ever happen. I think all we can hope for is that the time gating on crafting ascended items will be more friendly.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mistro.3059


I actually enjoy the dailies, but some achievements in the rotation can be a bit annoying to complete. I tend to level alts in zones I enjoy beyond the levels meant for that zone, as I don’t enjoy bleak or desolate places (had a hard time with that in Prophecies in GW1, pre-searing was so nice comparatively, but Cantha and Elona were nice too once they came out). I completed the monthly for this month by yesterday already, so weeklies or even “hard mode” dailies would be nice.

“Hard mode” dailies/monthlies, etc. could reward a chest with non-laurel items inside, to make them optional and give the not-so-casuals alternate ways of playing. I would also enjoy a lvl 80 only tier that draws people to upper zones, but GW2 philosophy is generally against participation exclusion, except via time-limited content.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


You don’t have to do them. If you feel compelled, then it’s your problem.

Dailies are a reward for a diverse gameplay. If you do different things by yourself, you’ll finish the daily without trying. The idea is that grinders like you already get plenty of other rewards. Dailies are for people that don’t grind the same crap, but instead do different things.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


OP isn’t advocating getting rid of dailies. You don’t have to be threatened by this suggestion. It would change nothing for the players who like doing one a day. It would just offer a hand to those who can’t log in every day, and allow them a chance to catch up. Since they would be doing the SAME amount of work you do (just on different days) I really don’t see the harm.