The Dreamer
Confirmed by Lindsey Murdock yesterday.
There you go!
Footprints. FOOTPRINTS! F O O T P R I N T S !!!
Enough of the footprints, already! Does every Legendary have to have the same bloody effects? I HATE footprints! There goes my plan to make The Dreamer.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
The Dreamer. You cant unhear it when it shoots, you cant unsee the unicorns and rainbows everywhere. One of the most noticeable weapons, and it still gets an upgrade? wtf? Look at flameseeker, it has ONE effect – glowing! And it gets NO uprade? Same as Meteorlogicus – it may get footsteps, but they removed the trail? why?? Dreamer is full of noticeable effects and still gets an upgrade while other weapons cant? So why are they obtainable the same hard way? They are even more expensive!
Their priorities are screwed. They updated already awesome legendaries while the dull ones got shafted and got NO changes.