The Great Library of Tyria - Needed for Lore

The Great Library of Tyria - Needed for Lore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeigy.5863


I think they need to utilize the Priory(and their library) more. Here is a huge in-game organization of scholars, researchers, explorers, and scientists, but they aren’t used to their full effect lore wise. We see them for renown hearts ever so often, but they can be used to greater purpose when explaining the lore behind certain areas as well. It would be nice to be able to stumble across a Priory explorer, camping in the middle of no where, researching. No renown hearts or anything. Just a lonesome npc that you can ask questions about a more in-depth history of the area. Events that happened there, important figures that might have lived here, certain aspects of the indigenous species… That sort of thing.

As for their library, they should add another function to the Priory’s skill point, the Heart of the Priory. Once you commune with it, you can talk to it again to get “imbued” with parts of its knowledge: the collective research of the Priory. (aka: You can read walls of text about certain parts of the history of Tyria.) Plus, since hopefully the Priory’s scholars were documenting the events of the LS, a summery of the event could be added to the Heart once that part of the LS is over.

That would be great i think! Even though i guess it should be limited to characters who actually joined the Priory. There are just some things you dont tell to every bypasser adventurer, say, where is the nearest old ruin to plunder before the Priory can set up a working research camp. The detailed explanation behind how Spectral Agony worked. That small fracture they found of the words that Khilbron read from the scroll.

But the idea itself is good, and it could work. Its not like 100% of every said word is voiced in the game. Much of the lore could be flashed out from simple dialogue boxes.

I agree here with Erukk and lakdav. They made these comments over in the Lore sub-forum

I keep wondering around Tyria thinking I will one day stumble upon this Great Library which contains the sum of all Tyrian knowledge. It will be a massive library you can go inside and spend the day there. There are stairs and lobbies and reading rooms and points of interest, it will be on a scale almost as large as some of the cities. You go inside and there are massive numbers of shelves in different rooms and levels where you can go to read up on any lore you have a question about in the game organized using the dewey decimal system or whatever system they implement. The Ascalonian Catacombs, all the other dungeons and their points of interests will have books to read up on. ArenaNet can even make it so that you can buy different things in the Gem Store to facilitate your exploration of this Great Library, such as a pass to special archives with more lore, to give it that special exclusive feel or cut scenes while you read some stories in the Great Library.

Anyway, I need my lore fix. I know too little about the interesting places and encounters I have in Guild Wars 2.

The Great Library of Tyria - Needed for Lore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latrotoxin.9120


I agree with you people – there should be a possibility to preserve the lore of Guild Wars 2 and the upcoming lore (by living story). The priory is one of the organizations that would perfectly fit to do something like that.

I made a suggestion yesterday with the exact same topic. Therefore i have to support your intention.