The Nightmare = Legendary Shortbow

The Nightmare = Legendary Shortbow

in Suggestions

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Alternate legendary shortbow. Something sinister and deathly. Something not brony like the dreamer. I need some alternative to the dreamer, opposite to the dreamer. Something in the same sense as Sunrise and Twilight… I’m not a brony nor is my toon.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

The Nightmare = Legendary Shortbow

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Not enough rainbow-unicorn-sparkle-confetti explosions.

The Nightmare = Legendary Shortbow

in Suggestions

Posted by: ShadyNZL.9018


Add an animation where the arrow leaves a trail of black smoke or shoots a black panther. Mean man, mean.

The Nightmare = Legendary Shortbow

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


I would love to see it shoot nightmares. Black horses with manes and tails of flame and sparks from the hooves as it runs.

The bow itself partially insubstantial looking. The only solid part could be the horses head at the handle. This is all that shows when stowed. When wielded a Smokey epemeral bow like structure appears. Have it be black laced with a fiery red. Even cooler if the flames and red parts of the bow could glow/pulse when it’s fired.

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