The Power of Creation to us, players!

The Power of Creation to us, players!

in Suggestions

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Many very good MMO´s failed because of lack/renewal of end game content. To me, end game content is what makes you play every day after you achieved everything or close to everything in game…and the only thing I can see making us do it is WvWvW and other good challenges with nice appropriate rewards. Human beings need rewards (either mental/emotional/material) to keep pushing themselves a little harder, a little further.

It is easy for ANET to implement an in-game poll asking people what they want from the game next improvements (give rewards to whom answers the poll). The client base is always the best source of suggestions.

One area that is missing in almost all games (MMO´s and others) is the introduction of player designed content. Companies have millions of costumers with awesome ideas and great skills and almost none of them use that potential. Why not create ways of allowing the players to design new sets of armor, new weapons, their own housing, new guild emblem patterns, decorate cities or new areas if you own/conquered them, etc? People need to get involved, to feel the game like a part of themselves. The model of a stranger in a foreign land is completely worn out…time to move forward.

Players need to change the game world, to imprint their tastes, their dreams, their fantasies on it. Create cities in PvE maps to be build and decorated by the guild who gets them from event mobs (in the end players would be choosing skins from a long list to define buildings, flags, trees, plants, streets, walls, etc). Make WvWvW castles, keeps and towers more editable, let players build new castles, keeps, towers and supply points in pre-defined locations after they conquered the area (we need bigger maps for this by the way, let players suggest the design of new map areas too).

Let players build their own world (within certain rules and limits but with great amplitude) and players will play GW2 forever..:)

In the end, is all numbers that we need to load every time we reach a new area because all skins, shapes and colours will be already stored inside our computers.

Thank you and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

The Power of Creation to us, players!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Lately, some very successful games have done just that, player designed content.
Take CS:S for example. The game itself is about… well, people shooting other people in a match that generally lasts for 2-3 minutes. What makes it interesting?
The amount of maps for the game. Its like… infinite. I’ve designed some 30-40 myself, some 10 or so that I’m actually quite pleased with.
Oh, I remember the first map I made, published it by accident (I was supposed to take it to single player to test it out, apparently took it to multi and people started showing up.) Had fun for hours with that.

Now, GW2 can’t exactly do that, but…
How about making a customer version of the GW2 map editing tool (I’m quite sure you guys got one), give the players the ability to load those maps and test them (so they won’t be so bugged) and then let them submit the maps with some screenshots to ANet.
Then add another sPvP playmode: custom map; which would take the best maps from the submitted maps and let players try those out. You wouldn’t run out of content anytime soon.

Another thing would be to allow players to create dungeons, then have a custom dungeon portal with random custom dungeon.
Seriously, thats infinite endgame content.
Of course, someone from the ANet needs to test these out quick, leave the bad ones out, make sure anyone ain’t trying to make a gold farm.

Just let the players who designed the content have some credit for their work, and everything should be perfect.

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People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

The Power of Creation to us, players!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


great idea the player designs are what keeps games like WC3 , SC or CS running.
I remember that in an old MMO named Ragnarok some privat servers had more players that the official only because they had more player made content.

The Power of Creation to us, players!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Ragnarok…-whistles- way to bring up a blast from the past.

Player content is great, however GW1 has a long history of providing a constant stream of quality content. Be it humorous or interesting, I have faith they will keep things going in GW2.

They seriously need to work ont he camera and jumping puzzles though….

The Power of Creation to us, players!

in Suggestions

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


I think this is a good idea taken a little too far, a poll asking what we, the player base would like for additional end game content would be nice. The idea of custom PvP maps would be nice. The idea of custom dungeons would be too abusable and most likely buggy, that one seems like a quagmire.

The Power of Creation to us, players!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I would love that, the forge in halo is probably the biggest reason I play Reach to this day. Also look at minecraft, the entire game is built on designing and doing whatever you want, and is current one of the most popular games on this planet.

What I think would work is a map editor(like OP suggested) that would be on separate servers or have its own program completely seperate from GW2. It’d be a bit tedious, but hey, creating something good is always time consuming.

I’d also be happy if we could have design-a-dungeon/map contest, similar to the weapon contest in GW1. No its not a map editor, but its still community, which still gives me the oppurtinity to see something I have created.