The Tyrian Contests

The Tyrian Contests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tipsy.5802


Mmo’s are all about getting together with friends and Tyria is a wonderful place to do so.
But I believe it could be even more exciting with big contests (sort of like the olympics)
Where people are stimulated to meet up and sign up for a contests with that extra element of surprise:they never know what contest to expect next week/month.

Like for example a contest to build a new mothership airballoon for one of the legions of the charr.
first group to build this airship wins ..
But you’ll need to solve puzzles and different paths/instances to find potential parts and hints how to build this airship with your group
and do research like with guild queu so you wont be able to finish in one day.(not meant to be finished in 1 day but rather long-term goals)
but you can speed up the research process with additional “hints” your team gathers

It could also be contest that are more focused on some kind of epic minigame,arena contest,one focusing more on the roleplay aspect,…
It would give players other reasons to meet up ingame and add new meaning to existing locations/perhaps minigames/other aspects and areas of the game..its a win-win

(edited by Tipsy.5802)

The Tyrian Contests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anchorwind.9016


Mmo’s are all about getting together with friends

I have an idea about meeting friends and making new ones.

The Tyrian Contests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tipsy.5802


thats a good start.
Tyrian contests could be an excellent way to do so ingame
Facing a new sort of challenge together,with a chance to win exciting prices each month/week..

These contests would be something completely different each period too
Like the next one could be a fishing contest with different types of fishing bait scattered around Tyria
The type of fishing bait you’ll find is based on how well you perform and the location you are in.
You have low quality bait and high quality with higher/lower chance to catch big/exotic types of fish.
The group catching the most of the required type wins a big tyrian ship container filled with goodies

Or solving a gigantic jumping puzzle with many,many levels to smack the gigantic pinata everyone can see
but only the first group to reach can get