break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
The boat ride and what it should be.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Love this idea, there could be many many different random events that may or may not happen the trip... mutiny is another cool one... maybe a rare mini dungeon adventure on rare occasions..
One thing ill say tho is the only time this would be mandatory would be the first time you go... After that you can WP to the island as normal or do the boat again its up to you!
The incentive should be in the form of a reward once at the island.
Tis only what you can do for all
When I first activated the trip with the NPC I was honestly expecting something akin to the ferry rides from FFXI – where you could fish mobs to fight and if you were (un)lucky skeleton pirates would attack.
Then I found myself already standing in Southsun, the trip cut off my trip down memory lane it was that short. Definitely should be an instance as once you go and unlock the waypoints you can avoid travel time if you really dislike it.
I did feel something like what FFXIV had was needed.
Check it up, you could do something like this.
When I first activated the trip with the NPC I was honestly expecting something akin to the ferry rides from FFXI – where you could fish mobs to fight and if you were (un)lucky skeleton pirates would attack.
Then I found myself already standing in Southsun, the trip cut off my trip down memory lane it was that short. Definitely should be an instance as once you go and unlock the waypoints you can avoid travel time if you really dislike it.
Thats actually where I got the idea mainly from. Once you got a teleport in there you would teleport freely but the first ride there, you could encounter quite a challenge. I just wish AreaNet stopped making travel too ez. They did a great job on making arah availible but seems to be ignored on everything else.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Also this could be the time to implement some sort of fishing tbh. I have seen many posts with tons of feedback about adding this feature, but some just say to add fishing, not elaborate on what you fish up or even how it would impact the economy. Now I’m sure AreaNet could be creative on how you catch fish but for results and the type of rod is a whole new deal.
Since there is no recipes really requiring some huge deal of fish products, the Black Lion Trading post could add a fish market, that pay you to take your fish. Higher quality fish yeild more coin, but no fish is worth more than 10 silver each (Being the highest quality fish is worth 10 silver or some low number as to not inflate the economy). The more you donate, you get a chance at receiving a booster (magic find, movement speed, karma gain, etc.).
As for rods themselves, you need to either make or purchase a rod, a line, and bait is optional from chefs and merchants. Woodworkers make various rods, higher tier rods such as ancient wood allow fishing of higher quality fish. Lines are made by huntsman which can lower the durability loss of the rod at higher tiers and you combine rod with line to make the fishing pole. Bait is made by chefs and only increase the odds you will get a fish, and the quality of the fish; a “Fish find” of some sorts like magic find. You lose bait anytime something snags onto the line. If at any time the line or pole itself breaks, you simply double click a spare part and onto the rod to replace.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
I do like the idea especially as it would add a nice kick off event for new zones like that. patterned after dungeons first time(or just during the event time) thru you would get the same story mode but after that would be an open series of random events. I defentily like the idea of a mini dungeon of sorts
If you look on the map, there is a place for a new zone to be open there between The Lost Shores and Lion’s Arch. I think they will remove the boat teleportation once they will reveal those zone s too
I’d rather not have to swim a mile, then island hop just to get to Southsun Cove :/ Theres a lot of open water between LA harbour and Southsun Cove, and no one wants a fully underwater zone. Instance or just a live event that people either take part in or miss out, but it occurs often. Either have 2 boats taking turns of picking up people or 1 boat, 15 min there and 15 min back with 5 minute rest stops.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
I agree, I’d really like to have the idea that I am actually travelling. But to be fair, this does not only concern the boat rides. Having portals to large cities is perfectly reasonable for me, but I really hate the possibility of porting all over the world. I’d much prefer the system WoW uses with gryphons or something of the likes…. for example that airship in Fort Trinity, that thing looks brilliant and all it does is hang around there. It could fly via various stops to the gates of Arah, bombing the crap out of kitten on the way for example…..
I support this idea. It sounds nice, – very unique. As for fishing, as some have mentioned, maybe we could have fishing gear set, much like towns clothes?
It seems that there are only 2 ways of transportation in this game: walking/running and teleporting…
I remember doing, I think it was Diessa Plateau… I really can’t remember, it was one of the Ascalon maps… And to get to a vista on top of a tower you had to be fired from a cannon that fires cows, it had an event and it was really fun to see the cows flying, so when it was my turn I expected to fly through the airs towards the tower. When I got the loading screen and then appeared on top of the tower I was like “…..seriously??”
and quite a little disappointed.
So yes… even when most people seem to be in a hige rush while playing and everything has to be close to instant, for some of us those little things could actually spice up the game a little and make it even more enjoyable.
Agree with this 100%.
And in the future, where we might have boat trips to all kinds of places (other islands, Cantha, etc.), it would be great if stuff actually happened on the voyage.
that sounds good im all for it
Agree with this 100%.
And in the future, where we might have boat trips to all kinds of places (other islands, Cantha, etc.), it would be great if stuff actually happened on the voyage.
Hopefully the trips to other continents occurs on airships…
I coulda sworn that airships were promised in the game, and that in an interview someone talking to a dev joked about guild airships…
Anyways point is there’s a lot of missed opportunities here – we have really high hopes Anet so please give it some thought.
This would annoy me if I had to do it every time, since the new island is there to take some of the pressure off Orr farming. I assume the waypoint would stay for a quick option.
But a one-time quest/instance to blaze the trail and establish a guarded shipping route, or a meta event which included the boat instance and repeated, would be cool.
Someone’s been playing Wind Waker/ Phantom Hourglass.
Nice suggestion, though, I agree. But make it optional after the first time, like Anastasia said.
The option would be waypoint travel… if you want to get there for free having to participate in an instance is quite a simple cost.
I don’t get why everyone always cries about waypoints costing too much and wanting free travel everywhere – use the waypoint if you’re impatient and if you’re greedy then take the time to walk (or in this case ride the boat and do an event).
If you’re both, go get a different game since I’m sure the devs don’t want to deal with you anymore than we love hearing your constant complaints about things.
Someone’s been playing Wind Waker/ Phantom Hourglass.
Nice suggestion, though, I agree. But make it optional after the first time, like Anastasia said.
FFXI actually, but the thing is, no one complains about Arah only being availible when a group completes the event. It may annoy people but the goal is to make access to unique and rewarding zones a fun filled adventure or challenge. I just think teleporting around is ok as it was, but they should do what they can to add some events that get us to our destination rather just warp all around.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Keep it goin, Me want boat travel! (and many others as it seems). Guess the main concern is whether or not you disable warping to the wp on the island when not on the island.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Yes, the waypoints are overused. I like the idea of a boat or something similiar .
to idea for boat- it would be nice to see real pirate attack on your boat, when you travel to point B. There is tons of pirates in Tyria lets make them work for a bit
Oh and there could be monster attack, like giant shark and we would need to shoot from harpoon guns. Or giant Medusa which will try to sting us all while we trying to control ship or repair it after storm. Or there could be Drunk Grawl attack who run int to our ship and we would need to repair broken hull before we sunk and maybe help them to be sober again. Or we run int to sudden vortex and we need to fix/improve/control ship so we wont get into bottom of sea
. Or we could run into phantom island and we need to recruit dolphins/quagans/sharks/fish/magic to get out our ship from sand. Or we just could just sit have a nice omniberry tea and appreciate nice Tyria view, and in the end we would have quiz from random fans/arenanet screen shots of various places and we would need to tell what region it was and if we dont do it some angry asura would get mad cause entire time he was trying to teach us about Tyria and we just skip it and run to get a fun on ship deck
By the way this crazy stuff could be done with other travel ways. Like traveling with caravan in crystal desert, or flying with some experimental charr tech
This could be some nice addition to world if imagination is let to run wild.
I like your creativity ^^ But I think small things like tea and questionaires should be for places outside of a travel based instance. I like the idea of controlling the ship as a group as no game I have ever heard of has an idea like this but man talk about cordination haha.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
(edited by NinjaEd.3946)
Not trying to be unfair by rebumping but I wanted to add one more thing to this post without simply reposting the entire thing.
I’m not sure about the Vigil or Priory but during my Main story line, one of the missions was to raid an Orr ship, take it over, and attack the Risen from the sea. Now the main post is about the trip from La to SouthSun Cove (Which I still REALLY would like, along with fishing as It was kinda fun to do in FFXI, and could prove to be an enjoyable, relaxing activity.. im getting off track). This would be sort of an Orr update with a new event. A bone ship appears (I think Cursed Shore would be the best place) and an event starts. Swim to the boat, through all the risen in the water, and board the ship from the broken hull. Get on board and kill the captain (Champion). Then the Pact will board the ship and steer it towards Captain Rotbeard’s Ship since lets face it, no one seems to do that event. Along the boat ride, smaller risen ships and risen forces will try to stop you etc keep them away from the pact or it fails. When you arrive at Captain Rotbeard’s ship, part 2 of the event is done. Part 3 is use the weapons on board to destroy the ship. During it, Waves upon waves will attack the ship and Rot beard will start ordering the risen on his ship to set up cannons. Destroy the ship before he sets up cannons to succeed and get a chest at the end with a new temporary waypoint on the ship (Really would be nice to have a south side wp in cursed shore.) The ship and wp dissappear after a while with simply, the ship starts to fall apart and the pact “evacuate” it.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
We have waypoints and asura gates which do the heavy lifting of walking all over Tyria, which since they teleport have no better way to be made. HOWEVER, since when do MMOs make boat rides a teleport?
Since GW1
(edited by Adine.2184)
We have waypoints and asura gates which do the heavy lifting of walking all over Tyria, which since they teleport have no better way to be made. HOWEVER, since when do MMOs make boat rides a teleport?
Since GW1
Those were boat rides to far away continents however. I don’t think anyone would wana sit through a 30 minute boat ride or however long it would be. between Lion’s Arch and Southsun Cove or even Claw Island is a quickittentle journey but it was made a little too quick since it just happens. Theres no sense of exploration as you sail across the Sea of Sorrows. Heck they could even make a little easter egg and have a large figure in the back break the surface momentarily and dive back down (bubbles?)
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Since the removal of the rich orichalcum node in southsun cove, this zone has gotten even less populated (hard to believe 5 can drop to 2 :/) Guild missions aside this zone needs some open world pve attention. I’m talkin events that are comparable to CS, mobs that arn’t 100% annoying, and a (optional) trip to this island that gives older mmo players the common wait time to it. I can go on and on about how much I miss the 5-10 minute boat/airship rides but it wouldn’t be anywhere worth the effort if anet decides to ignore these 1 time long boat/airship/baloon rides to far away islands/continents. Large world but feels so small once you get that wp you know? (NOT advicating mounts, I’m suggesting the far away travels between continents to be seperated by an optional (except 1st time) mobile zone to bring thrill and adventure into the day of the old mmo player.)
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Waypoints in general should’ve been designed as a “trip” similar to a vista cutscenes then just a loading screen