The new LFG system and why it still fails.

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arlien.9140


Edit: more rants added.

Two of the main reasons that the new LFG system still fails are instance ownership rules and lack of incentive.

Instance ownership rules are still totally borked.
It’s wonderful, you’ve found a group for doing that instance you wanted to do and now you group is under way. Its ok that it took 5-10 minutes to find that one last group member. Everything is going great until ten minutes in to the dungeon when you wipe once and then someone’s fish catches on fire and they have to leave the group. Turns out, they were the one who opened the instance. Suddenly you have a loading screen and BAM you’re no longer in the instance and all your progress is lost. Your will to continue looking for a group is totally sapped and now you just say screw it and go do something else. Wouldn’t it be grand if this didn’t happen? What if instance ownership could be passed off instead of just kicking everyone out.? The person who opened the instance isn’t solely responsible for the progress the GROUP has made.

There is no incentive to create or join groups for instances that are “hard” or for instances that “take too long.”
People get on the fanboy train when you mention that big MMO from blizzard, but WoW really did get some things right. When there is a role that isn’t being filled in the LFG queue, they create incentive by giving an extra reward for that role. Here in GW2 you could add an incentive, an extra personal chest at the end of the dungeon, for people who use the LFG system to create or join groups for instance paths that aren’t usually done. Also, make a harsh penalty for people who leave a group before a reasonable amount of time has elapsed.

The LFG tool is great, but I feel its too little and too late and that there is huge room for improvement. Thank you for starting the ball rolling on this, but please continue to improve it along with also improving the current instance/dungeon system.

On a side note, as has been the complaint of many a people with cruddy internet connections across the world, it would also be great to make a 5 minute window in which you could re-connect and not lose instance progress for story missions (and SAB trib mode).

Edit: Story modes and vote kicks.

While we’re at the failures of the instance/dungeon system, we should probably also address story modes and personal reward levels. I have 10 characters on my account. Am I expected to sit through story mode 10 times in order to unlock explore modes on all my characters. And if that wasn’t bad enough do i have to suffer through 30+ levels of fractals PER CHARACTER in order to use my other characters in my 38 or 48 daily fractals? Pretty sure I’m not going to do 10 level 48 dailys every day as that would take roughly 15-20 hours to do so why not let my whole account enjoy the ability to enter the same dungeons and fractals as my most progressed character?

The group kick system is also quite flawed. As one commenter said, while in a dungeon or instance there really should be modified rules to this system. It really should be a group vote and not just a seconded motion to kick. There are 2 other people in the group who never had a say in it. This becomes most apparent in places like Jade Maw. On one occasion, I was slogging through fractals with a terrible group for two hours and when we finally got to Jade Maw, all I wanted to do was skip the trash and get the instance over with when two members of the group, who were from the same guild, just decided to kick me instead. The ability of two players to screw over another player, or indeed the rest of the group is just insane and a foolish way to have things set up. Not to mention those several occasions where I’ve had the instance opener DC for a bit and 2 people decide to vote kick him. WOOSH 2 hours down the drain.

Probably more dungeon/instance rants to come. I’ll just update the post when they come to me.

(edited by Arlien.9140)

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draco.9480


I agree that the one who gets into the dungeon and ragequit may ruin our time.
Plus, the vote kick is ridiculous. X asks to kick Y and only one Z accepts and Y is kicked out which is no vote kick at all because there are still 2 more people to vote.
So why 2 blockheads (X and Z) get offended over nothing has the right to kick someone who did more than ‘em while others didn’t want to kick that person.

Everything else is great just improve those 2 things.

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: quakeroatmeal.4829


TBH Instance ownership has nothing to do with the LFG system.

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arlien.9140


Yes, the thing that the LFG system is supposed to be for has NOTHING to do with the system for looking for groups.

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Yes, the thing that the LFG system is supposed to be for has NOTHING to do with the system for looking for groups.

They are unrelated problems. The lfg tool helps you find a group, not hold one together to prevent, I guess someone’s fish catching fire. The sole purpose of it is to quickly form a group to do some content, being kicked because a party leader leaves was around LONG before the lfg tool was even announced.

So imo, I don’t think the lfg tool fails at all. It could use some tweaks but as it stands it’s doing it’s job just fine.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Yes, the thing that the LFG system is supposed to be for has NOTHING to do with the system for looking for groups.

No, Quaker is right. That’s a separate problem with instances that the LFG tool doesn’t touch.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arlien.9140


Even more unknown instance ownership caused by using the LFG tool is not the fault of the LFG tool? No incentives for using the LFG tool is not the fault of the LFG tool? allowing people to look for groups for instances they cant open themselves using the LFG tool is not the fault of the LFG tool? getting kicked from your own group by players who joined your group using the LFG tool (that you couldnt refuse) is not the fault of the LFG tool? interesting.

And although it is not the fault of the LFg tool, your whole account not being able to do the same instances is still a failing of the dungeon system and something that can/may be able to be fixed through the lfg tool.

Also, although most of these problems existed before the tool, they are compounded by its existence and are in and of themselves reasons for frustration that they could probably find a way to alleviate or fix through the proper implementation of an LFG tool.

(edited by Arlien.9140)

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I don’t see how a tool made to form groups has anything to do with dungeon restrictions. You’re still barking up the wrong tree, and although I see your frustration (try having someone leave the 3rd fractal in level 48 and kick all) it isn’t something those who designed the lfg tool had in mind when making it.

If you notice you can’t deny players joining your party(players just appear in the party window, making party leadership near impossible to tell). They aren’t worried about “that guy” leaving the party they worried about “those guys” forming a party. What they do after that is their own business. I would change your post to fixing the kitten dungeon ownership system, the lfg tool does fine.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


The only thing I was addressing is the issue that the instance “owner” leaving the instance kicks everyone else. That existed before the LFG tool and has nothing to do with it. It’s annoying and frustrating and sucks, but it was already an issue.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


So basically what you’re saying is the LFG tool is fine it’s the instance functionality that needs improving. Ok, you might want to consider a descriptive title. Other than that seems like a good couple of suggestions.

The new LFG system and why it still fails.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Run Away PLZ.7639

Run Away PLZ.7639

Same as it was before with the difficult or length dungeons nothing has changed really xD but for me right now it looks far better than the website everyone was using until it came out so I have no problem with it and many thing in the post were not related to the topic. I agree it is annoying and kinda stupid that you have to play story on each character and go through the fractal levels on each character and true the story modes give a first time completion reward on each character but is it worth it.