-_- Theives

-_- Theives

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uncle Dalty.8327

Uncle Dalty.8327

Nerf the heck out of thieves!!! I really like thieves and think they are a really fun class, but when it comes to WvW they are way over powered often just picking off people in large groups until it’s and 1 v 1 match and obviously the thief wins.

I understand to point of them spiking a lot of damage and using stealth but they can spike up to 90% of most peoples health in one chain and then they vanish only to come back in finish the job seconds latter because there attacks have no recharge… and if they miss a second time they’ll can just stealth again… and again… and again… not to mention they a the fastest professions in the game next to eles so there is no running away either.

Now I really hate they idea of nerffing anything, but thieves are just way to good… they can stealth, spike, and move better than any class. if you don’t nerf them at least make a skill available to other professions that let them see through stealth so other professions actually stand a chance.

-_- Theives

in Suggestions

Posted by: juno.1840


It’s really the mechanic that’s over powered. Stealth in its current form is very difficult to play against. Same with mesmers and illusions — very hard to play against.

I think the skill floor for thieves is pretty high, and they should get rewarded for skilled play. However you don’t see the current GW2 stealth mechanic in any other game… I wonder why?

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

-_- Theives

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


If you have a thief you would know how to counter a thief. In WvW yesterday we had an enemy D/D stealth built thief harassing us and as you say one-shotting people from stealth. At first I had my Guardian in, that thief went down and at no time was my Guardian ever under 50% health. I was even rezzing teammates while that thief was trying to down me, he could not do so. Later I had my necro in and a few wells and marks and the thief quickly left the area. Finally I brought my own thief in and since my thief is not a D/D glass cannon build the enemy again went down and he could not kill me. A thief played by someone who is very quick on the keys and knows what he is doing is difficult to kill but then so is ANY profession when played by someone who knows what they are doing and is adept on the keys.

Theftwind (HoD)

-_- Theives

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


I hate thieves.

That being said, they don’t need such a severe nerf. What class/build are you using? If you’re going glass-cannon against a thief, you’re probably going to lose. Zerker thieves can shred you quickly if you’re not specced defensively. I run knight’s gear and 0/0/10/30/30 on my ele and although I can’t kill them easily, they can’t kill me a good 9/10 times due to insane CC spam on my end :P Plus, if an ally jumps in the fight, the fact the thief will be snared means he’s dead if he doesn’t stealth away. Play a thief on an empty slot if you can. I was beyond helpless against thieves until I played one and (somewhat) learned how they worked. It’s helped me immensely in dealing with them

Currently the only problem I see with thieves is that they can be killed if and only if they choose to put themselves in a risky situation. The fact they can just burn stealth and flee at the flick of a wrist is at the very least, an extremely annoying mechanic. The times I usually notice theives going down is if 1) they’re terrible/newbies (I once practically auto-attacked one to death with my ranger…) or 2) they’re being ganged up on 1v2+. On that note, if there’s multiple decent people in a group, it’s very difficult for a single thief to take them all out, so you might want to reconsider what groups you run with lol :P

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