Right now Thief Pistols are the weakest weapons in the game. They have to be combined with a different weapon to derive a use from them as they are useless for DPS and their utility skills far too costly on their own.
Let’s break this out:
1 – Vital Shot: This skill takes about .8s to cast, has a .4 attack modifier and a 4s bleed at 900 range. Compare that to a nearly identical skill, Warriors Bleed Shot with takes .96 to cast, has a full attack modifier, 6s bleed and 1200 range. So for barely over a tenth of a second faster, Vital Shot is less than half the damage, has 2/3rds the bleed time all at 2/3rds the range. At this point Vital Shot is so weak it’s a joke – if it were to be buffed to match the warrior skill, the tenth of a second faster shot would make up for the shorter attack range, but homogenizing the game is not what I want to see. Having the animation cut in half would be the preferred method. It would still do less physical DPS than Warrior, but the ability to stack the bleeds higher would make up for it and make this the small quick hits it was meant to be.
1 – Stealth Attack: Fine as is
2 – Body Shot: This move currently is not worth its initiative cost to DPS gain vs just using the initiative to cast another DPS move on any weapon combination. In party situations where you have high DPS without people that already have innate vulns, it can come to a very situational use, but generally then it’s still iffy. Several things can be done – it can be made to hit harder so it becomes a DPS move along with the vuln. It can be made to cost 2 init instead as that will start making it mathematically viable. It can have a cripple or weakness added. Just some kind of minor tweak is needed.
3 – Dual Skill: As this depends on the weapon set:
- D/P – Shadow Shot: This received a recent buff to become unblockable on the blind. Along with being a mobility move, this is a nice move, no further adjustment needed.
- P/D – Shadow Strike: This is a reverse weaker version of Shadow Shot that costs the same as it’s the same ultimate damage without the blind. Wouldn’t mind seeing a minor bump on the attack, but as is still worth it.
- S/P – Pistol Whip: Under the old haste, this move could be comboed so it can be completely unloaded during the stun hit and was pretty OP. The damage was nerfed accordingly, but then haste was nerfed. So now that it can’t be fully delivered and is less DPS than Sword auto, it’s use is questionable due to the root. As it can be avoided relatively easy, having the backend damage back to make the gamble worth it would be nice.
- P/P – Unload: The crux of this and the main reason for this post. If you dare to pick P/P, you give up all of your mobility moves and stealth moves, for what? A .3 coefficient channel move that takes 2 seconds to cast. The damage is weak, but as you have ZERO damage options with P/P, you have no choice but to eat the 5 init cost for a mediocre move to be able to use the weapon combo. The DPS of auto attacks of most weapons (other than thief pistols of course) outdo the DPS of unload. Personally there are two directions that I would like to see this move take: Either double the damage or halve the cast time and lower the cost to 4 initiative.
The first option of doubling damage would make it where a thief can afford to pull away from a 25/30 build to work on initiative gain for high sustained ranged DPS making them a solid choice in dungeons and help break the current trio. It also would mean that a tank could no longer stand there and just heal through my unloads – nothing is more frustrating than being a FULL GLASS CANNON thief with full glass cannon traits, and not being able to do more damage than a single heal – so they would actually need to actively avoid the predictable move (projectile reflect, blocks, dodges, etc).
The second of halving the cast time turns the move into an unsustainable burst. It’s faster attack speed makes it a burst, but eats initiative at a rate that you can’t gain initiative fast enough to sustain the move. You can actually “unload”! This opens more tactics as it actually becomes useable in a venom cast and is more unpredictable (which coincidentally means you’re more like to eat your unload when someone reflects). I do think the damage is low enough it should cost 4 instead of 5, but balance would need to be looked at.
Between the two options, the first is better in PvE as sustained Boss DPS would be desired, and the move is simply too predictable in PvP. The Second option would be better in PvP and arguably more balanced due to the higher initiative cost to reach that DPS. No matter case, this move needs desperate love as there needs to be a reason to give up mobility and stealth on a minimum HP, meh defense, no buff character that relies on those very options… and becoming an actual glass cannon that can easily kill or be killed is where I would like it to see it go.