Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nex Vestrum.1025

Nex Vestrum.1025

With the recent nerf of Cluster Bomb’s range from 1,200 down to 900 the thief is the only class that does not have access to a 1,200 range attack. This especially impacts thieves in WvW while trying to take down cannons, oil, arrow carts, etc.

I believe that thieves should have a viable option to play as a full ranged class if they so choose as the SB does not give the safe distance from combat that many other classes have access to.

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: LED.4739


I think part of the problem is that the game needs more weapons period, in addition to giving the classes more available weapons to use. I said in another post that something like a whipchain would be very cool, and I can see the appeal to Thieves the most of all

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: redhand.7168


Well, a “short” bow would imply…

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: chnet.1832


Well, a “short” bow would imply…

Agreed. When I started playing rangers, I was amazed with the fact the longbow and shortbow skills have the same range. Aren’t longbow supposed to be shooting longer?

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

Trait Steal to 1,500 -> Mug + stealth + backstab, plus all the other goodies that come with Stealing.

Plus, traited, it’s a 21 second CD.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: baylock.1703


they shood nerf thief backsab to normal attack not leap so you would wine on it not on ur cb attack. thiefs op enyway

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nex Vestrum.1025

Nex Vestrum.1025

Trait Steal to 1,500 -> Mug + stealth + backstab, plus all the other goodies that come with Stealing.

Plus, traited, it’s a 21 second CD.

True but that’s no use in WvW where you need to use ranged attacks to get rid of enemy siege and try to keep them off the walls.

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nex Vestrum.1025

Nex Vestrum.1025

they shood nerf thief backsab to normal attack not leap so you would wine on it not on ur cb attack. thiefs op enyway

Backstab isn’t a leap, I believe you’re thinking of heartseeker, which was already nerfed.

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ratty.5176


Trait Steal to 1,500 -> Mug + stealth + backstab, plus all the other goodies that come with Stealing.

Plus, traited, it’s a 21 second CD.

True but that’s no use in WvW where you need to use ranged attacks to get rid of enemy siege and try to keep them off the walls.

diversity, in WvW thieves are king of solo roaming, and harassing small groups. But they are not good at taking out objects on walls.

Rangers are similar, good solo roaming, but they lose a lot of damage in sieges due to lack of pet damage (pets can’t path up walls).

I have a similar issue with my Ele, as a D/D I have no long range attacks without swapping weapons. Which is not really viable in a combat situation. If I swap to Staff I probably will have to keep it when we breach, which really is not ideal. So I can do one or the other.

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Immersturm.6097


A friend of mine, who enjoys thieves immensely, believes that thieves should have access to longbows. While I believe that a thief with a longbow would serve to provide a 1200 range weapon, I don’t like the thought of it overmuch—a thief is meant to be portable, lightweight, and quick, all of which a longbow is not.

The idea I had was giving thieves access to the rifle. Not the “pow bang” rifles of engineers or warriors, but instead the rifle with all the skills of a super-sniper. I honestly don’t know how it’d work out, but it’s food for thought.

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Every class needs a weakness thieves have a lot as is. Almost more than any other class, be thankful they don’t treat your thieves like they do our rangers.