This game needs 2 more classes.

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zetoe.1327


Monk(No, not the healer kind) and Fencer.

Monk would make use of tons of position based skills, High jumps, Kicks that launch enemies, Bonuses to rolls, Cartwheels, Throws, Skills that launch the monk to an enemy, send them flying and if they collide with a wall they take damage, and are stunned. That type of stuff.

Fencer I feel is what melee ranger should have been, but is done badly. Riposte and counter type abilities, Lots of dodging and timed projectile returning and blocking. Dashing in and out of combat quickly, etc.

The monk would help with bunker busting, as well as adding some movement variety, and another class aside from guardian that can help keep melees off of your casters. It’d add depth to gameplay.

The Fencer would be like a warrior with more timing involved, and more dashing in and out of combat to survive. Thief is sort of like this, but relies far less on timing, and more on continued stealth through the fight, which personally I’m not a fan of. it almost seems that this is what “close range Ranger” was intended to be, but it was seemingly designed as an afterthought, and is executed badly. (I’m talking about 1 handed sword skills mostly)

I suggest these because I want more close range combat variety. As it stands the most efficient close range builds are “Stealth in and burst quickly” or “Stun and burst quickly” for warrior and thief respectively. I want a more dynamic fluid and sustained type of melee combat. I mainly play as my thief and warrior, by the way. They’re cool but not quite what I’m looking for.

I also see need for a more supportive type caster, but guardian can fill that role well enough, so it isn’t entirely necessary.

(edited by Zetoe.1327)

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ethics.4519


These do sound pretty interesting. I would love my ranger much much more if it were this ‘fencer’ type you are speaking of, in melee range. I love characters that can kinda stand in the back and be an annoyance.

However I think the devs have a lot of work before they even consider adding more content.

RIP in peace Robert

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

If there’s even a remote chance of getting my monk back, even without healing abilities, I’d play it.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zetoe.1327


If there’s even a remote chance of getting my monk back, even without healing abilities, I’d play it.

I can see the monk having a supportive side, using meditation type abilities, and auras. Just not based on healing as a main thing like in gw1

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vaeyrune.6804


I feel like these ideas encroach too much on the Guardian.

Meditations, projectile reflecting, 1-hand sword play, etc.

I’m so good, I astound myself!

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zetoe.1327


I feel like these ideas encroach too much on the Guardian.

Meditations, projectile reflecting, 1-hand sword play, etc.

I’m talking about actual meditation, not instant use abilities that are just called that. You know, like crossing legs, floating in the air and applying a concentration type effect to surrounding allies that applies random boons, or removes conditions, Adds effects onto abilities, Creates a combo field around the monk, Applies conditions to surrounding enemies. Possibilities endless.

Plus, “1-hand sword play” ….you mean like…about 5 other classes? Plus I rarely use a 1h sword on my guardian, its kinda’ crappy. Also, guardians use aoe auras and retaliation to reflect. I’m talking about actual abilities to do so. Example being “3 second cooldown, reflect the next projectile shot at you within the next .6 seconds with your rapier, if the reflected projectile makes contact applies cripple.” or “Block next projectile and dash to the source of the projectile applying a short daze” or even “Parry next physical attack, shifting around to the back of the target and applying weakness. Reactivate to stab and dash backwards applying a short cripple”

You know, get in-get out stuff.

(edited by Zetoe.1327)

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

If there’s even a remote chance of getting my monk back, even without healing abilities, I’d play it.

I can see the monk having a supportive side, using meditation type abilities, and auras. Just not based on healing as a main thing like in gw1

Exactly. I’m picturing combat like the monk class in Diablo, fists and kicks. Then they could add supportive buffs and some healing type skills like the Guards.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: marianitten.1247


Class? Monk? You forgot new race, Panda :-)

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

New class: The Jester. He could make fiery farts. That would be epic, wouldnt it?

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zetoe.1327


Monk would add another demension to gameplay all about positioning, removing bunkers, and ignoring certain terrain constraints. I understand this would make some jump quests really easy for them, but I don’t see that being a bad thing per-se.

For example, I forget the map name, but the one in sPVP with “Keep” as the middle point, how mages and Rangerss can just sit up on a platform and rain hell on the point. There are ways to stop them, but you’d have to go around, or pull them down to you.

Monk could use a high jump ability to leap up there, then kick them off the ledge. The problem would be balancing wise, he’d have to either be pretty squishy, or do lower damage than warrior. This is just one idea for the class, mind you.

Fencer would add variety to melee combat, and critical thinking. Fencer would be all about avoiding stuns and damage, avoiding projectiles, dodging attacks in creative ways. If say, a warrior bull-charges you, and has a greatsword, That is a wrap for you, Unless you’ve got a signet or skill that removes cc off cooldown at the time.

(edited by Zetoe.1327)

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zetoe.1327


New class: The Jester. He could make fiery farts. That would be epic, wouldnt it?

I think you failed to read my post, otherwise you would understand that these classes have something to bring to the table, and would help add depth and decision making. This obvious trolling attempt is entirely unnecessary. I get it, you’re one of those people that hates people coming up with “x class would be really cool!” threads. I’d appreciate if you’d ignore them or add something constructive, though.

What would this Farting Jester bring to the table?

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vaeyrune.6804


I feel like these ideas encroach too much on the Guardian.

Meditations, projectile reflecting, 1-hand sword play, etc.

applying an effect to surrounding allies that applies boons, or removes conditions

Sounds very Guardianish to me.

rarely use a 1h sword on my guardian, its kinda’ crappy.

Disagree, I find the 1h sword to be amazing on the Guardian.

You know, get in-get out stuff.

The 1h sword for Guardians have a teleport-in ability. Much like your ‘Dashing in’ suggestion.

I’m so good, I astound myself!

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zetoe.1327


I feel like these ideas encroach too much on the Guardian.

Meditations, projectile reflecting, 1-hand sword play, etc.

applying an effect to surrounding allies that applies boons, or removes conditions

Sounds very Guardianish to me.

rarely use a 1h sword on my guardian, its kinda’ crappy.

Disagree, I find the 1h sword to be amazing on the Guardian.

You know, get in-get out stuff.

The 1h sword for Guardians have a teleport-in ability. Much like your ‘Dashing in’ suggestion.

“guardianish” Try, just about every class-ish. “Dashing in” You mean like…Warrior, Thief mug, Guardian teleport, Rangers leaping 1h sword ability, the list goes on. Since when was any of this exclusive to guardian? Plus…that is a teleport. As I understand it close range classes enjoy having gap-closers….you know…to close gaps? I guess you’re entitled to your opinion that only guardians are allowed to have gap closers.

This is the type of game where every class can play more than a single role, If you’re going to compare things and go “oh but this class does this too” then every class is going to do what every class does. I don’t really understand your argument.

(edited by Zetoe.1327)

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Could we stop calling them hunters? kthxbai

RIP in peace Robert

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vaeyrune.6804


I don’t really understand your argument.

Your Monk/Duelist suggestions seem either too similar or redundant to existing abilities to set them apart and warrant inclusion.


Yeah, I made up a word. Big whoop, wanna fight about it? =)

I’m so good, I astound myself!

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

Could we stop calling them hunters? kthxbai

+1, getting pretty ridiculous.

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Power.2957


Always wanted to play chronomancer...

“Power is like the illuminati of Guild Wars.” -Loshon

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ithir Darkleaf.7923

Ithir Darkleaf.7923

It’s just me or I see lot of League of Legends background here?
Monk -> Lee Sin / Fencer -> Fiora XDDD

Edit: to be constructive and not only a joke-guy, I must agree more or less with the monk class and the chronomancer which Power said. I see the fencer a bit lackluster because of having 1 playstyle only.

~ The light of a new day

(edited by Ithir Darkleaf.7923)

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Timbersword.9014


I think there would be more benefit to introducing fist weapons like cestus’, probably in a big content update where each existing class gets access to *new weaponry. I can picture Warriors, Guardians, Thieves, Mesmers, and maybe Elementalists wielding cestus’ or some other type of fist weapon.

*By “new weaponry,” I also mean in some cases they would just now get to use already existing weaponry, like an Engineer now having access to a main hand only dagger or sword.

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blueroseknight.7954


Your fencer sounds similar to the Mesmer. They rely on timing, and being able to get in and out of combat with their blink skill. Also, as others have stated, Monk is being introduced in World of Pandacraft.

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Naminator.9316


Your fencer sounds similar to the Mesmer. They rely on timing, and being able to get in and out of combat with their blink skill. Also, as others have stated, Monk is being introduced in World of Pandacraft.

Monk is one of the first classes to be introduced in the Guild Wars universe(in 2005), so please lets not get in to the stupid “Ohhh you are just copying WoW” BS.

Seriously it’s annoying.

(edited by Naminator.9316)

This game needs 2 more classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


If you made the monk strictly a martial artist with F1-4. being fighting styles it could work. You would probably want to call it Martial Artist though so as not to confuse people.