A few days ago I got the silly idea to try and complete the drinking achievement. I went to an NPC and purchased 2000 drinks, one by one and realized this was actually quite odd. It was almost the equivalent of walking into a store, grabbing a keg of the shopkeepers finest ale and saying “this one” only to pay, turn around and repeat the process about 1999 more times. Now, one can imagine this quickly becomes tedious, so I did it while reading the forums, laughing at the Evon vs. Kiel conversations. Then I drank the beers one by one, while reading, but this made much more sense. I cant drink 20 beers at once, but the question is;
Why Can’t I purchase multitudes at once?
That’s right, purchasing multiple items at once is a simple, but big miss. I have 7 ways of accidentally linking what I’m buying, but I cant buy multiples?
The same goes for voting, I have to cram slim pieces of paper through a hole one-by-one, having saved up 250 and spend perhaps 2 minutes clicking while I hope my mouse doesn’t break again. The slit in the box however, appears plenty big to take perhaps a stack of 25 or even 50 of the slips at once.
Why can’t I just turn in multiples of items like these?
It would be so much less tedious if I could.
Now of course, such simple misses get a ball rolling when pointed out, and it didn’t take me long to find out a few more sneaky things-people-miss about this game I’ve scarcely heard bad comments about before. It started with guild missions, really hard to manage at the moment due to several of these little misses that make leading a large group difficult unless you have, at some point, splurged 100G on a commander’s tome, and even then isn’t easy. Let’s assume someone who has no commander’s tome.
-They have to have trustworthy, competent people running the second, third, fourth or even fifth group, people that wont leave anyone behind and that clearly communicate when something is amiss
-They have to know, of each member, whether they are actually at their desk. One person neglecting to read the chat can stall a whole “raid” for a long time.
These are problems, but they have simple solutions;
-Them buying a commander tome, or a larger form of group that doesn’t come with a symbol over your head would solve problem 1. There would be 1 communications channel that linked all members of said group.
-A ready check command would solve problem 2. Yes, slightly immersion breaking perhaps, but quite needed when trying to oversee a large group of people.
Why is there no larger group type?
It could be a research, something you could invest some of those points slowly building up on. No symbols, no big flaring peakitten to draw half a map to your position to potentially even ruin your guild’s experience. Just a larger group, and a channel.
Why is there no ready check?
It seems such a simple thing to have, just a way so people that don’t understand your language know exactly what you want to know, or as a check on large groups, it is just really useful.
Of course, I met more people, telling me of those little things they missed, and I shall write the things that stuck with me here.
One person told me of the lack of officer chat. Now, I don’t hold any such rank, but I find from previous things that such a tool is nigh-on a necessity to be able to quickly consult all your officers in a large guild.
Why is there no officer chat?
A tool that is oh so important when it comes to quickly deciding whether to give that long time troublemaker a firm boot under the behind among other things.
This of course led to the lack of being able to make a personal channel, other then a guild, that you can always see. A channel for instance you could call “Fractals40+Club” and invite all people that you know do level 40+ fractals, so that you can easily invite people you know already are good players. Or call “WorldEvents” where people call out any big events that are starting (Yes, sites do this, but it involves a second screen or tabbing around a lot, though I have a second screen, not everyone does and to them it’s quite an annoyance as I perceive.
Why cant we make channels that, unlike another guild, are always visible?
As you can see above, there are quite a few things such a thing could be good for. If there are worries too many channels would be made, you could, perhaps add a “communications master” type NPC that lists all existent channels, so people know what already exists, and charges a few silver coins to create a channel. Perhaps on the condition that you must pay another silver each month to keep it. This so that unused channels don’t need to remain in any database beyond their use. Channels could be open or have a password so that people can join them with restrictions.
I’m sure there are more such small misses, and feel free to append this thread if you found one of these little comforts or simplifications you miss =)
(edited by Chista.4750)