Thread/post "like" and "dislike" count

Thread/post "like" and "dislike" count

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morbridae.8607


I am bored of reading “SAB is worst LS ever” and the likes, and think “hey, nobody is counting this flames, so all this means nothing”.

So, why don’t put a “dislike” button besides the “like” one, and then compare both counts? If you (ANet) believe that the “dislike” button can be abused, then you could put it onli besides the LS threads, so that we could vote and you could know which LS we like the best (or dislike a lot!) and then know where you should direct your efforts to.

Morbridae (Norn Necromancer)
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)

Thread/post "like" and "dislike" count

in Suggestions

Posted by: Topher.1684


I like your dislike option! It would also be nice to see how MANY people like a thread. Is it just 1 crazy person? or have 50000000000 people read and liked this idea. I’m sure you guys (devs) can see this count, but it would be nice for us to see it to! (or at least have a meter that changes +1 → +10 → +50 → +100….)

Thread/post "like" and "dislike" count

in Suggestions

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


People would abuse it. People would dislike every post by someone just because they don’t like them and without considering the quality of the post itself. I’ve seen it happen with just about every forum that has such a feature. Also I believe with the thumbs up option posts that have a thumbs up with a star on them have been up-voted by several people as opposed to posts with just a thumbs up.

The Burninator