Thrown Axe Projectile

Thrown Axe Projectile

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Currently, only the Legendary Frostfang makes your projectiles different. This is a huge bummer for me. There is no point in getting any fancy skins if the axe you throw is still the level 1 generic skin you started out with!

So I suggest that all axes adapt from Frostfang and alter the projectiles to the model of the axe you’re using.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Thrown Axe Projectile

in Suggestions

Posted by: Electro.4173


Agreed, and should apply to every thrown weapon skill in the game as well. I do not like throwing my Sharktooth Axe and seeing a lame hatchet being thrown with my Ranger, nor do I like throwing my Engineer’s Iron Legion shield and having it morph into a wooden round shield. Its very jarring to see your specific weapon turn into a boring basic model when thrown, if you ever pay attention to whats being thrown.

If legendarys can already do this, it can’t be that hard to make other weapons do it too. I know legendarys are… well, legendary. They get special treatment because of what they are. But basic things like having the thrown weapon match the in-hand model is not something that should be restricted only to special weapons.

Thrown Axe Projectile

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


The worst part is that the way the Legendaries do it isn’t “legendary” in any way; that is how it should work by default.

Saying that Frostfang’s special effect is that you actually throw the axe you’re holding rather than a cheap generic skin cheapens the Legendary feeling immensely!

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Thrown Axe Projectile

in Suggestions

Posted by: Criminal.5627


i really do agree, main hand axe for rangers should be effected by the skin, mainly by the mystic forge and crafted recipies that req lodestones to make. its the only way rangers use main hand axes and getting something that looks really cool is alet down cause the moment it leaves ur char it turns into the same skin as the axe u started with at lvl 1, would really like to see my titan’s vengience fly through the air…expecialy since the animation for it is already there because of the conjur flame skill, same with the axes sons of svaniar throw…. its not like the models are all missing alot of them are there already

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Thrown Axe Projectile

in Suggestions

Posted by: Criminal.5627


just a thought but for frost fang if it had an ice trail that kinda spiralled from you to your target in the air it would be cool and more “legendary” something like a trail that quickly melted but still a solid spiraling ice trail in the air fallowing the axe as it goes through the air

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.