Tidbits of Lore with PoI's

Tidbits of Lore with PoI's

in Suggestions

Posted by: misterkushie.8052


One of my favorite things to do in-game is map completion. I love exploring the nooks and crannies of a zone to find hidden gems lovingly tucked away. One of the elements that intrigues me the most is the Point of Interest system. I think it’s a great idea to point out areas that are significant to the history of Tyria. However, as it stands, I think most players are just running into these areas and leaving immediately after discovering the point. Some of these spots have fantastic dialogue between NPCs, and some are certainly visually striking, but most simply leave the explorer to speculate on their importance.

I would love to see the implementation of a small (or large!) paragraph explaining what happened to make each of these areas significant. It would really add a lot of depth to exploration and map completion and help flesh out the world for those of us who are not already intimately familiar with the lore.

What do you think?

Tidbits of Lore with PoI's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archduke.3817


I would love it as long as it was kept short. I wouldn’t read a wall of text about the third Bear Shrine I’ve came across in my adventures. But it would be nice to understand why it’s a PoI. Because sometimes I fail to see why, other than the scenery may be nice but in that case why not make it a vista?

I like.

My life has a superb cast, but I can’t figure out the plot. -ISLE OF JANTHIR SERVER-

Tidbits of Lore with PoI's

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


I like this idea.

Although some are somewhat obvious for GW players (Jora’s Statue, for example), I’ve always wondered what made certain PoI important.

Maybe add a scavanger hunt based on lore clues?

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Tidbits of Lore with PoI's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Do it like DDO did the DM…early on before they went all kitten on the game.

A short voiceover reading for every PoI which can be turned off in the options.