Tier 3 Cultural armour pricing
I’d vote no. Cultural armor is there for the looks, not to be competitively priced. If you want to bring comptetitive pricing into the equation, the OoW/Vigil/Priory set costs should be also reduced since you can get extremely similar (stat-wise) gear off the TP. Clearly that’s not the purpose of those armors either, it’s again for the looks.
GW1 veterans like me see these cultural sets as the equivalent to GW1’s FoW sets. Ridiculously expensive (~1m+ currency) and had the same stats as the cheap 5k sets. I’d like them to stay that way so that there’s some sort of prestige (expensive) armor set just for the looks.
In my opinion, if any changes are to be made to the T3 cultural sets, its the change from rare to exotic quality, to make it an actually usable armor-set rather than just a piece to transmute.
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated
I’m fine with it. It’s one of the few long term goals this game has.
I’m used to playing FFXI where certain pieces of armor took months or a year to get, and quest lines could potentially take years.
I need goals.
I kind of have to agree, the prices are insane.
I think prices are to much, with the ABot system, even more :/