Tiny blob that shows latency from GW1?

Tiny blob that shows latency from GW1?

in Suggestions

Posted by: jkw.9413


I’ve searched the entire forum for similar suggestion and I can’t believe NO ONE in ANY thread has suggested it?

Where is the little blob at map from GW1 that shows fps, latency, background download etc?

In the game now there is absolutely no way of showing latency which is really bad for a mmorpg!

And it is really annoying to have to go all the way in to settings to see FPS during graphically intensive fights for “benchmarking” purposes during fights etc!

Tiny blob that shows latency from GW1?

in Suggestions

Posted by: SimianChaos.3219


I second this motion, it would be a very nice addition.

Tiny blob that shows latency from GW1?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grammarye.3064


Yes please. A latency meter would be invaluable.

If you haven’t pressed Call Target at least once today, please go press it now.

Tiny blob that shows latency from GW1?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sepp.9025


Yea, im experiencing some network issues lately and i can’t see my latency.
This is bad :/

Tiny blob that shows latency from GW1?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143
