Tired of being the good guy

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: QuantumRipple.5721


I’m tired of only being the good guy.

I feel like every character has the same moral composition, they are all knights in shining armor, universally loved and never failing to be friendly. I think the option to be feared, corrupted, and downright unfriendly would make the game feel a lot more natural.

Right now all the world events are to do the “good guy” thing. Sometimes I want to help the krait hunt quaggans, because I’m irrationally racist against the imbecilic quaggan. Instead, should I wish to do any events related to quaggans, I’m forced to save their sorry hides. The option to assist/join the inquest, the flame legion, and maybe help the centaurs hunt some humans on my charr would be greatly appreciated.

Even without special events, dialogue options that aren’t as bubbly would go a long way. For my character’s RP, they very rarely want to always be an infinite spout of encouragement and offers of help.

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: SLOTH.7842


Yes! Please, I wan’t to be more evil, i’m tired of being this kind, always happy character!
Give us the opportunity to be more evil if we disire, join an evil team. Also, why can’t we have a good and evil side? can we get that in the future?

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


would be nice if future story pve(uugh) added some more choice rather then, go save the day. maybe add a temporary PvP area where players fight for different sides over the final part of the story, and actually bringing change to the world, as it is right now their whole PLAYERS CHANGE THE WORLD, is bull and non-existing. maybe actually having a choice of what happens rather then just do this, here change, you liked it? NO i didnt, i havent played any of the event quests since i started playing Beta..

[IRON] Gaming

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Monki.5012


I created my human aristocratic Ele to be as arrogant and selfcentred as possible but unfortunately there weren’t options in the storylines that followed the path I had in mind.

I agree there should be more options to decide wich side your on. Like bandits who rob a farmer.. how about you need to talk to a NPC first to side with one faction. Either a bandit NPC offering you some of their booty or the farmer asking for help defending.

At least built some options in the personal storyquest because it personal and should focus on the own character.

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


I STRONGLY agree, my first character was a thief and street rat. After advancing a few levels, I was so frustrated to find out that my storyline had been predetermined for me that I deleted that character and started over. To have no choice in ones ethical orientation is fundamentally contrary to what this game is supposed to offer.

Please Arenanet! Please let us be bad…. we promise to be good at it. Lol

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


<shameless bump>


Pretty Please?

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


DCUO waiting for you

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


this seems to have disappeared from the suggestions list…. hoping to bring it back up now that others are awake

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: DanH.5879


you can always be a bad troll, kicking players out of dungeons before chests, saying bad things to them, griefing, etc.

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


thats entirely not the point… u are joking right?

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


just in case: there was a game long, long ago (i guess its ok to mention it since its not competition now) called baldur’s gate. that was one of the most innovative things about that game: a person could choose an amoral or evil path in addition to playing the good guy. I’ve been involved with rpg since elementary school and to this day this remains one of my all-time favorite games because of that. Did anyone else play that? Is there anyone reading this that also joined the slavers? Man talk about the best of times and the worst of times…. There’s a certain kind of joyful comedic release to being so theatrically evil…. and in an mmo it would add a welcome depth of feeling if not everyone was on your side.

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

It doesn’t matter how many times you bring this up. This is something that ANet have specifically pointed out that they concidered but abandoned because it wasn’t how they wanted to present the game. You are the good guy, end of story. If you want to be anything other than the good guy you’re simply not going to be able to represent it through game story. It’s not going to happen.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


My Char Necro was suppose to be more angry! So I agree in principle. However I highly doubt we’ll be seeing ANet retrospectively adding this to the current content, but perhaps in a future expansion, or content patch.

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: QuantumRipple.5721


I don’t really even mind that we have to have the same result as the good guy, but being able to present it in a less friendly fashion would be nice.

In the personal story for example, the simple option for the dialogue to be how you were only doing this because everybody else was too pathetic to do it themselves would be a great start. I don’t want to tell my troops that we can do it if we all work together, I want to tell them that I consider them less than human until they go kill me a hundred undead, and that I’ll personally slaughter deserters.

Yet, I don’t feel that the personal story is the easiest place to have this, and I agree that it wouldn’t work nearly as well as a patch since many people have already finished the story.

Open world bad-guy events would be wonderful, and would still work as a patch. It doesn’t need to cause player division, it doesn’t need to be open world pvp, it can just be an event where we only terrorize the villagers, like all the other events where we only save the villagers.

Maybe just make more non-quest non-merchant “fluff” NPCs attackable. Many Hylek villages, for example, have yellow NPCs. If a quaggan village had that, I would celebrate my ability to slaughter that little cooing creature, and it would mollify me somewhat.

Having a moral scale is a fairly common thing in modern RPGs, although I don’t really think that would suit GW2 as well since everything is meant to be fairly temporal. I’d expect evil-leaning events to work similarly to the current good-leaning events; to have absolutely no effect on how you are treated in game by NPCs, only giving you the warm fuzzies of having held that farmer hostage.

(edited by QuantumRipple.5721)

Tired of being the good guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Melchior.2135


They tried this in City of Heroes, with the City of Villains expansion. It never came close to matching player use of the Hero content, despite being almost universally agreed to have superior classes and storytelling, and rapidly ceased to be a developer priority.

I would personally be interested in such content, but I can’t see it becoming profitable enough for them to pursue.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.