Titles Should Have an Effect

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oliver.4017


I want the Title system that was available in gw1, where if you had a title equipped you would get a specific boost. I thought that was cool. It gave people a reason to go for the title, and made getting the title worth it (other than bragging rights). It’s just an idea.

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Maybe some utility boost like MF, GF, XP etc.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


When they started adding PvE only skills to GW and title tracks that affected their power, that’s when things started getting crappy.
Titles should be exactly what they are right now: a way to identify people who like to boast about something meaningless so you don’t have to group with them.

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Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: charleon freeze.6573

charleon freeze.6573

I would say maybe a visual addition.
For example if you have the dungeon master title you have maybe a small dungeon logo above you.
Same as with the: ‘been there done that’ title that shows a small gold star logo with you.
And with master crafter I would say maybe some sort of universal tools logo.
And maybe a medic cross when you have combat medic.
And so on

Edit: only one logo at the same time then.

Devotion to that what matters.

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

I want the Title system that was available in gw1, where if you had a title equipped you would get a specific boost. I thought that was cool. It gave people a reason to go for the title, and made getting the title worth it (other than bragging rights). It’s just an idea.

Titles should be purely cosmetic. Boosts for titles are promoting the idea that if you play longer you are inherently better than those who haven’t, and it gives an unfair advantage to someone who has equal gear and skill but not the time to grind for “God walking amongst mere mortals for +500 power”.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oliver.4017


I don’t mean anything significant or even too noticeable, but they could give some PvE bonuses. I think +500 is way too much either way. In Gw, they did it very well with giving you a boost for being in an area, doing extra damage against specific creatures, etc. I’m not looking for something that will make people without the title feel insignificant or at a disadvantage, but the title seems pretty silly just having it as just a couple words under your name. What’s the real point? Visuals would be good as charleon freeze said, and as I said before, this is just a thought. I just think there is a way to implement this without putting others at an unfair disadvantage.

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morbridae.8607


+1 on the idea.

A +10 / 1% on something isn’t really going to break the game. Even then, a purely cosmetic change will be nice to have.

Morbridae (Norn Necromancer)
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


Still think the been there done that should come with a town clothes t shirt

You can’t spell Slaughter without Laughter

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


I think having specific titles give you an advantage would be a good idea. Such as
+10% movement speed in pve areas, extra damage against specific creatures, maybe
a bonus to magic find, etc.

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


Its got to be cosmetic or it will force people to do certain things that they may or may not like doing in order to get the bonus. With all the changes to letting people play what they want without forcing them to do others to put bonus stats on titles would go against that.

You can’t spell Slaughter without Laughter

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Yeah definitely wouldn’t be a fan of this.

Unless we indirectly were given a new way to display them, likeee… Master Carver Character Name or something.

Like when I saw the Master Carver title my Dragon Age fangirl got excited and I was gonna make an alt named Hawke. >_> But then I remembered titles don’t do that. I would deal with your proposition if this change accompanied it. For real.

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreenNekoHaunt.8527


+1% fame (= +1% Magic find | +1% Gold find)
I got 8 titles that would be 8% MF and GF that’s not too much and it’s something.

Personally I disagree to this idea. The problem you have is that some titles and achievements are only temporally thus only few people can get them.

Gamer & Developer; Playing games is part of making games! Gather experience and make games!

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

Good idea, titles like centaur slayer could add the centaur-tonic buff , so that other people can get this bonus as well, but have to use a tonic for this.

http://gw2style.com/index.php – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreenNekoHaunt.8527


Good idea, titles like centaur slayer could add the centaur-tonic buff , so that other people can get this bonus as well, but have to use a tonic for this.

Centaur Slayer is not a title it’s just an achievement. You have to differ titles and achievements.

Gamer & Developer; Playing games is part of making games! Gather experience and make games!

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sorem.9157


They should give you some visual effect on the character :c like a glow, a sigil or anything like that :c


Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


Cosmetic stuff should remain cosmetic. If titles give bonuses, everyone will be expected to run specific nonsense titles just because of the minmax stat. That’s just silly and defeats the purpose of titles …

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: CurrMac.2138


[/quote]Titles should be purely cosmetic. Boosts for titles are promoting the idea that if you play longer you are inherently better than those who haven’t, and it gives an unfair advantage to someone who has equal gear and skill but not the time to grind for “God walking amongst mere mortals for +500 power”.[/quote]

Are you serious?!?! Did you not just see what you said? Players should be rewarded for play longer!! jeez -_-

I’m a Sylvari Salad

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: KorbanDallas.7389


I prefer to use my titles as an added bonus to accentuate my character through description – such as my main using “Guild Warrior” while he uses the guild chest, or my character I made to look just like me wearing the “Been there, Done that”, or my thief being the “Emissary of the Mad King”. Tying attributes to it, IMO, would be a stupid idea, much like I always feel that armor being associated with a specific stat is dumb (only mildly alleviated by Transmutation) as it forces you to pick either Cosmetics or functionality.


Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreenNekoHaunt.8527


I’d like my achievement points to be used to give me some bonus, for example the hall of monuments being rebuild. I heard from what they did in GW1 and I liked the GW1 system more than the GW2 system. Currently it’s only a number.

Gamer & Developer; Playing games is part of making games! Gather experience and make games!

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oliver.4017


Every one uses their titles differently. I use mine on occasion, but I just wish that I actually go something out of all the hard work I have put in. No matter how small, I just feel like something should be given. Maybe I’m just asking too much. I’m sorry. I just thought it was a cool idea, whether it could be implemented or not, that doesn’t bother me. If it can, WOO! If not, I’m not going to lose sleep over it. This is a suggestion, lol. No harm or foul, giving a suggestion. In my opinion, I feel it can be done well, if not better, than gw1.

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackmoon.6837


I would suggest having alternative or additional particle effects based on titles. For example, all of the champion titles (from spvp tournaments) give a cool aura effect relative to that class’ normal color design; mesmer = purple/pink, thief = smoke stuff etc.

- Another idea could be changing colors of effects or changing the effect in general. Such as the mesmer’s laser beam for GS skill #1.

- Certain titles could give access to new dialog options that are heard when your character performs something relative to that title. Such as going down in a dungeon with dungeon master. Passing certain points or killing a boss would prompt the new dialog.

- New emotes can be obtained.

My main point, however, is that no title should give an advantage in combat. It needs to be purely cosmetic otherwise it’ll create more segregation for group play.