Titles should be more visible, currently underwhelming.
I don’t need an ego boost from a video game.
support, I want my gwamm title to be visible better
I don’t need an ego boost from a video game.
Don’t get titles, your legendary or cool looking armor skins that offer no better stats than ordinary exotics then, if you consider visible in-game achievements to be nothing more than ego boosts. Cosmetic markers are in the game for a reason. Instead of being condescending try thinking of your own suggestions, like forcing everyone to wear the same uniform or something.
(edited by Xelios.9145)
Indeed. Why the hell would you want to farm 50 HoM points in GW1 when you can’t even have that highest title especially visible?
Yep. I’ve heard from several people that they’d never seen a title the whole time they’ve played, and they were level 80. I’ve had to explain how to people now that I know. The icon for world completion beside ones name is a nice touch; I don’t see why titles can’t be displayed in a similarly prominent manner.
Titles weren’t prominently displayed in GW1 either. You either had to click on the person, or hover over them to see titles (and the rank of it). While it would be nice to see titles sometimes, I enjoy having the name system be rather simple. This is merely my opinion. I’ve been wearing my HoM title since I started, and sometimes I click on people to see if they have one on as well.
Titles should be more visible, currently underwhelming.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Astral Projections.7320
Please make titles visible by mousing over someone. Who ever actually clicks on a person? This game is all about the showing off what you have and seeing what other people have. When I was idling in town in Guild Wars 1, I frequently moused over names to see what titles they were displaying. When someone gets even their first title they want to show it off. Please go back to letting us see the titles that other people are wearing.