To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paul.4081


This is ruining the game for me and others, in certain areas it’s like kill 20 monsters, move 3 feet, kill another 20 monsters etc. etc. This is not fun!

I can’t even run past the monsters because I draw my weapons (without choice) and go to slow run mode when they tap me, get chained, knocked on my butt, pulled, stop attacking for no reason etc. etc.

I hated Battle for Lions Arch in GW’s for this reason, difficulty is not just throw 100 monsters at players. Well I guess it’s difficult but when you fight a monster in a zone and then have to kill 100 monsters for that one fight because they home in on you, yeah, thats a challenge when you have to also fight the monsters, brother, cousin, granny etc. It’s tedium ater a while when you have to kill everything within a mile just to move a short distance.

Space them out Anet when you have time!

(edited by Paul.4081)

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: OmegaNine.9148


I tend to agree, when I first started I was like “I guess i don’t need a mount because things are close”. Then as I get later in levels I am starting to find it really annoying to run from one place to another, especially as a clothy that can be swarmed and killed by just a few mobs.

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I never had any problems with it. Even in Orr where the monsters are tightly packed and are all hostile I can still move around and at most I have to kill 5 monsters to get out of combat. If you’re aggroing 20 monsters it’s because you’re running around the place like a madman.

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I personally like the fact they make a battle feel like a battle. Frankly i love the fact they swarm me with monsters. It feels like im actually at war. It gets me into the story. Its the first game thats ever done that for me and its amazing.

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: jonas.7692


I personally like the fact they make a battle feel like a battle. Frankly i love the fact they swarm me with monsters. It feels like im actually at war. It gets me into the story. Its the first game thats ever done that for me and its amazing.

Let me guess… you’re not playing a non-toughness specced clothie?

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


I’m playing a squishy thief and I have no problem. If you’re having problems then you’re not kiting them properly and are just needlessly attracting mobs. Be aware of your surroundings before you start running around.

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I personally like the fact they make a battle feel like a battle. Frankly i love the fact they swarm me with monsters. It feels like im actually at war. It gets me into the story. Its the first game thats ever done that for me and its amazing.

Let me guess… you’re not playing a non-toughness specced clothie?

While my main is a toughness heavy guardian. I actually also play a thief and ele. I enjoy all of them. I’ve just learned how to pull back behind the front line when needed.

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I have noticed that in some of the higher level areas most are clustered so closely together that its almost impossible to run past them without aggriong at least 5 of them.

These mobs then proceed to chain stun, root or slow you which makes it impossible to run away from them.
As an elementalist I have been unable to survive such attacks because I’m usually half dead before I even have time to react.
And dont give me that crap about kiting or evading/dodging, because I dont have time to even think about it before I’m in a downed state with 5 mobs on me.

Another thing that really pisses me off is that sometimes my character seem to start attacking a mob seemingly at random.
It happens even though I have done nothing myself that should make it happen.
I can be on autorun and suddenly just start attacking a mob, dont matter if the mob is “red” or "yellow (agressive pr neutral), just for running past it.
Or if I change attunement that is apparently considered the same as attacking the nearest mob regardless of whether I have one targeted or not.

To Make Things Hard You Just Don't Increase Monster Count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: jonas.7692


While my main is a toughness heavy guardian. I actually also play a thief and ele. I enjoy all of them. I’ve just learned how to pull back behind the front line when needed.

That’s the thing, though. On my Guardian if I run into a cave or across some plain and get pounced by a pack of mixed casters and melee, I don’t break a sweat. Armor up, get GS out for a second to pull in all the casters, then mace and board, wham, healing down, some aegis, heal when aegis runs out, hit them, heal a little if needed (6+F2 and feel like a boss), tap-evade the big hits which are usually telegraphed, done.

On my Thief (disclaimer: I stopped playing him in the mid-40s) I have so many avoidance tools I just circle-kite, strafe, and do heavy damage.

On the Elementalist not only do I have to keep stuff within a small area so my ground targeted stuff actually gets them (Dragon’s Tooth, for example), a “normal” mob’s “normal” attacks can take me down 1/4th of my health even IF I kite and evade. Give me five mobs… Even well + heals doesn’t fix that anymore…

I am not complaining, mind you, I am just pointing out that a Guardian has much less worries than a Necro, Ele, or Mesmer when running into a pack.