Toggle for currency display!
It’s a pretty simple 100→1 conversion, like pennies to a dollar. Do you think in terms of “I have 10,000 pennies, yay!” when you have $100.00? Come to think of it, dollars are pretty simple compared to ha’pennies, tuppences, quids, fivers, pounds, etc.
to be entirely honest, I prefer a straight simple coin system (ie:10000 coins instead of 1g)
For a lot of people from certain foreign countries, the current currency system is probably a bit annoying. Especially since you get some countries who deal in tens of thousands of a single currency before they conglomerate it.
Granted thats not my problem, I’m from the USA, but honestly, I like the theory that instead of having a bushel of apples, I have them all laid out in front of me and easily countable. (I worked with money for years in customer service, and have absolutely no problems with the calculations) but having it just out there, plain and simple, would be REALLY nice.
Do you think in terms of “I have 10,000 pennies, yay!” when you have $100.00?
No, but that’s more silver and copper than anything. That third level of “Gold” makes things confusing to me, even if converting is easy. It’s like if we had cents, dollars, and ultra-dollars (equivalent to 100 dollars).
So 5,030.34 would be 5§30$34c and it’s momentarily confusing as all the zeroes aren’t there and whatnot. It’s easier to just see “5,030.34” and understand how much money it’s worth.
(edited by WeLoveKanjimari.6725)
You kinda have ultra-dollars already. I think you’re just confused by the fact that they go from 100 to 1000 instead of 100 to 100.
You got 100c turn into a 1 dollar, you get 1000 dollars turn into one “grand” or “k” or whatever. It’s not that far from the real life if you squint your eyes a bit.
Besides, just having copper+silver would be a tad bit silly, as its only natural that they’re followed by gold. Those are, after all, the most stereotypical RPG currencies.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
Yeah, but we don’t quantify real money in that way.
We use one long string of numbers. We don’t break it up with Ks and such.
In my job I have a constant need to know a client’s bail amount. If it’s $7,000.00, I do happen to note that as “7K.”
This is coming down to personal preference in thought patterns. I don’t want to see huge numbers that I can’t quickly parse. For me it’s easier to gather large groups into simpler units. I may have made it through calculus but I am not a numbers person. 5 gold is easier for me to grasp than 500 silver and much better than 5,000 copper.
Good thing I’m suggesting a TOGGLE then, eh?
People on these forums are really hell-bent on going “Well, I wouldn’t find this useful” when people suggest optional features…
Good thing I’m suggesting a TOGGLE then, eh?
People on these forums are really hell-bent on going “Well, I wouldn’t find this useful” when people suggest optional features…
They sure are. But consider this: If every optional/toggle feature was to be implemented, since well, they’re optional, the GUI would be nothing but toggle buttons. So its important to figure out the ones that are actually needed.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
_ the GUI would be nothing but toggle buttons. _
If only there were some menu, where optional things could be collected instead of shoved across the UI…
My apologies, I wasn’t trying to say there shouldn’t be a toggle if it would really help you. I was nitpicking about your generalizations regarding how money notations are done in the real world.
In game, I think the main concern would be finding room for all those zeros. They may make you feel “richer” but as your wealth goes up, the space it takes up on the bottom of your inventory screen might get prohibitive.