Token wallet or token as account currency

Token wallet or token as account currency

in Suggestions

Posted by: aleiro.8521


After running 4 or 5 different dungeons i ended up having to use 5 of my bank spaces to store the token rewards. Then when finally I had enough tokens to get a determined piece, I had to go to the bank make sure I had enough tokens and then go to the vendor to get my piece of armor.
This is not an extremely pressing issue, or gamebreaking, however you could think about making a “token wallet” (similar to how the crafting collection storage works) that can be accessed from the token vendors. This token wallet could be made account wide, accessible with any of your chars.
Another possibility would be treating tokens as currency but this may cause devs more trouble to implement. Instead of receiving tokens from each dungeon as an inventory item, you would get it directly as an account wide currency. The problem would be that you would have about 9 or 10 types of currency and that can be a pain.

Thank you!