Tone Down the PvP push in the PvE world.

Tone Down the PvP push in the PvE world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saraya Bloodrain.1284

Saraya Bloodrain.1284

Please Tone Down the PvP push in the PvE world. I am a PvE player, I have no intrust in PvP or WvW styles of play. I know there are of a lot of players who relay enjoy that style game play, and that is cool it is all about having a good time. At first I was thinking about taking a look at WvW, but now? no way. The constant barge of mist wars this and mist wars that, is so annoying to me now, that I will never fight in the mist wars. the constant campaigning to get players to join that style of play in this case has back fired.

So, please, I beg you, tone down the PvP/WvW push in the PvE world.

Tone Down the PvP push in the PvE world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

So… because of a handful of NPCs whose entire purpose in the world is to let new players know that this exists and maybe how to access it, you’ve decided to be contrary and never give it even a look see? And because of the random choice you’ve made you expect ANet to do something about… what now?

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Tone Down the PvP push in the PvE world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


So long as it is not a requirement to do this stuff I am ok, save for the awful nerfs classes/professions get due to to pvp/wvw bickering and complaints and hysteria.

I have zero interest in such things, my friends long ago gave up trying to rope me into it.

What I like about this game is that we can choose what we do, unlike others I have done where they really try to influence you to do everything.

As it is there is no coercion, so I am fine.

Tone Down the PvP push in the PvE world.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


you know that WWW is not a “real” PVP?

you can conquer enemy keeps and camps without fighting a single human player…