Too many "filler" npcs that don't do anything
Think i understand what you mean.
But for me, they feel nice to have around.
They basically make the areas feel as if it’s crowded.
No, this is fairly common to MMOs. There’s also the reasoning that since they are there now, if ANet decides to make the village/area they’re a part of relevant to a story or whatever else, they can easily add dialogue to those NPCs. They also won’t suddenly appear out of thin air for no other reason than “the area is now relevant”, too.
Edit: As mentioned by Nhalx, it does make the area feel a little more alive, too, even if the NPCs aren’t giving out information or talking about lore.
I disagree.
Without these NPC the world feels dead.
Are you kidding? I get a kick out of the banter npcs have with eachother:P
npc human: don’t charr travel in packs?
Charr: that’s a tactless way of putting it but i’ll overlook your ignorance.
I sometimes go out of my way to hear their convos:P
actually the filler npcs have some amusing conversations. i like to just stand around in town and listen to what everyone is saying.
Are you kidding me, theres a ton of random nameless NPCs that have hilarious conversations! And you can easily tell who’s worth it to have a dialogue with simply by the fact that they have names, instead of being called “Villager”.
They are all Whispers agents.
The NPC’s add so much to this game, I love the kids, the families, the random conversations, it all really brings the world to life, it is something I have really missed in MMO’s. Not to mention that random NPC’s having conversations..if you listen carefully and investigate what they talk about you can be led to some very interesting discoveries ..One of my favorite things!
yeah im one of those that love the random banter some of the NPC’s have can be so amusing at times
i hate the npcs why am i the only one. id rather they took out 90% and increased the zone limit. at least if you tell a player to get stuffed they sometimes give a reaction beyond ignoring you. with npcs there is no such response
When you mouse over some of them, the cursor turns into a dialogue cloud. Even when the NPC has nothing to say.
This tells me that Areananet has plans for those NPC’s
If you read the ArenaNet blog, you’ll see that they are planning more content in already existing areas.
When a chunk of a map has nothing going on there, it becomes a good candidate for a new event or even a new heart.