Torches / Class Color

Torches / Class Color

in Suggestions

Posted by: Monkey Fritz.9052

Monkey Fritz.9052

The yellow/orange of most torches contrasts the visual style of the Guardian’s blue flame too much. I think the standard torch flame should render the same color, ie: blue.

I understand a number of torches have their own unique flames, like the Sylvari Tier 3 Warden Torch. Leave those as they are. But any standard torch should render blue on the Guardian. I think it would benefit the visual style more.

I don’t play a Mesmer, but perhaps something similar with them? A pink flame. That color being the main reason I don’t play a Mesmer

Just a small touch that would add a lot to the distinction between the class weapons. Even as an Igniter, there is no reason the Torch can’t be powered by the wielder’s magic.

Torches / Class Color

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jennifer Scarlett.7409

Jennifer Scarlett.7409

I agree, my main character is a mesmer and I would really like to have a pink/purple flame, might encourage me to use torches more.

When life offers you two paths, take the third road.

Torches / Class Color

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nittles.1582


Good idea. +1 from me!

Torches / Class Color

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zebulous.2934


dye-able weapons. idk if the flame would be dyeable even then. It would help color coordination though. I saw a thread about that a few months ago…

Torches / Class Color

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


There are torches with different colors. Several glow blue. I think the nightmare torch might glow pink.