Toughness-Aggro Suggestions
I think that another problem is exploring the toughness triats. There is good stuff there, but getting 15 points is really risky in PvE because of the aggro system
I’d suggest we just put toughness/armor much lower on the list of things that draw aggro. It’s ridiculous that when I’m kiting on my elementalist burning skills mostly in water/earth for heals and CC, I’m the one holding the boss’s aggro when everyone else is standing still throwing massive DPS at it’s face. I’m almost positive it’s because I’m running almost all knight’s gear because when I swap to my berzerker set I’m seeing much less aggro on me, especially if there’s a heavy class in the party.
In my opinion, aggro should be determined in this order: Damage>Range>Armor/Toughness>Shields
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated
We need a proper aggro management system. It would be helpful if I could pull a champion off of guildmates that are downed and currently getting mudholes stomped into them.
Well, part of this problem comes from (like you said) no one else holding aggro over you.
Whenever I play on my high toughness guardian my party has no problem running whatever.
(Of course, there’s still a dozen other aggro components that should remain absolutely the same)
But it’d be a nice addition to turn on/off your toughness aggro, in my opinion.
It’s a tradeoff – do you want to take the risk of playing squishy, or the risk of attracting too much attention but surviving it easier?
It shouldn’t BE a tradeoff. Toughness should make you tougher, not “more likely to die because everything wants to hit you, plus you do less DPS”
Dead DPS is worst DPS. If you gather much aggro, it means the rest of your party probably has less survivability than you do, and so you are giving them free reign to deal damage. If you have toughness and you can’t handle the aggro, I feel bad for you.
I just wish there was some BALANCE with it. Out of 5 party members, I almost ALWAYS have aggro when I’m on my Necromancer. I wear the gear I do because it gives Necro a bit of extra survival, because they lack consistent Vigor-granting. I just don’t want to be punished for wanting some survivability.