Tourist suggestion
Then it wouldn’t be “guesting”, would it?
I don’t see how, guesting is a feature that allows players to use other servers. Even by using another servers overflow, you are guesting on that server. And if you have friends there, you can even be a “guest” of their party.
Incorrect, overflow servers are not tied to a single server, they are entirely separate from the primary servers.
sigh, pedancy aside there has to be an agreement that guesting for chests at the expense of other players is an unforseen bad move and one that I hope is resolved soon so that I can enjoy the events that I have paid my £35 to be able to play with my guild, not sit on the overflow while frikkin tourists farm chests.
Yes guesters farming boss events is a problem, but this is not a fix, the best fixes would be making the chest once per account or making the chests unlootable while guesting. And of course making sure all the bugs surrounding the chests and guesting are fixed.
Now for some good and bad things about my suggestions.
Once per account per day. This will still let guesters do the events and get the chest while guesting, which is good for the people who actually guest to play with friends, it will also cause people to not come back to the event until the next day which means there will always be room on your server later in the day. Now this can be seen as a bad suggestion to those who have several level 80 characters and think that they should be able to get 2-7 times more chests every day.
Unlootable while guesting. This will not be very good for people who guest to play with friends since if they come across a world boss they will not get any loot for their trouble. However it will greatly reduce the number of guest on any server, which will make sure that pretty much only people on the home server do the events, and people who feel entitled to more loot than anyone else just because they have more characters will still get their loot.