Tower commander event

Tower commander event

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yamiino.1827


I get the whole idea of helping people taking over a tower, I get why you added it and I like the idea. But I do think some tweaks are needed…

When you are fighting 5 vs 40 of other servers + commanders every 20 minutes, it’s more than a disadvantage to the server it’s attacking.

Personally, we like having our map locked as long as possible, but it is very hard to do so if two raids of 40 people each are attacking two different places every 20 minutes.

I suggest that…

1. Lower the attack and defense of the commander, I have seen people fighting the commander for over 10 minutes when all the other people are gone and/or dead.

2. Increase the time spawn to 1 hour and not every 20 minutes… else we will simply have a breach and will have to babysit these towers ALL the time.

Everything else is ok imo.