Town Clothes Transmute Stone

Town Clothes Transmute Stone

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinnyil.3648


With the advent of the costume brawl, I thought to myself “it’s a shame I can’t use my awesome normal set and costume brawl”. Then this idea hit me:

A new transmute stones for normal items, to costume/toys.

Basically, it is exactly as it sounds. You’d have to add a costume/toy slot for offhands as well. As far is toy abilities, just standardize them across the item type. You could even go as far as having separate 4 abilities dictated by offhand to people could shield bash or block or whatever. Perhaps even change the 3/4. So for example, with a one handed sword you’d always have the same 1-4 abilities as anyone else only using a 1 handed sword, but if you throw a shield on you’d have the normal 1/2 and different 3/4. Possibilities here are actually sort of awesome the more I think about it!

You would have to keep the attacks pretty basic though to not outshine the costume sets.

These stones could be a new gem shop option, though I think they’re a little too niche for BLC inclusion.

Sinnyil – Beastgate Flaming Charr Mesmer of Doom