Town Clothing Ideas

Town Clothing Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


So this is just some ideas of mine for Town Clothing. Feel free to add your own if you so choose to. Hopefully this will give Anet some insight as to what styles we are all looking for.

Different Underwear Choices
Now I know what you’re thinking. But there is a logical reason for this, trust me. When our armor breaks, it vanishes. So we end up running around in our underwear for a limited time till we get it repaired. I see it a lot mostly in dungeons when people forget to repair after a wipe, and end up topless/bottomless. So, why not give us different underwear choices so we all aren’t wearing the same odd yellow underwear? Maybe some smiley face boxers, or Juicy shorts (kidding, but just some funny ideas). In all actuality, would like to see some different styles though (long johns, corset and stockings, boxers/briefs, gowns, etc) or even just different color choices.

NPC outfits
So many different NPC outfits, that aren’t available to us. For instance, the Mesmer trainer in Divinity’s Reach. This is one that I want for my Mesmer majorly. It would fit perfectly. When I first saw the render for it on the wiki before release, I instantly fell in love with it. Yet I can’t get it in game which saddened me. Another is Queen Jennah’s outfit, which is also worn by many Nobles in the game as well. Bandit outfits are awesome and would love some of them too, but these are just some ideas.

Holiday outfits
I remember GW1 costumes for the Holidays. Tons of awesome designs. This is probably an obvious thing they have planned, but just wanted to mention it anyways. Am definitely looking forward to Halloween costumes come October, and then some cute Christmas outfits come December. Would even be neat to see some Pilgrim/Indian style outfits for November, but that probably won’t happen. Of course I don’t want to be biased towards certain holidays, but am looking forward in general to holiday costumes.

Armored Glasses
This isn’t really a Town Clothes thing, but wanted to bring this up anyways. In GW1, we had glasses we could wear in combat (Asuran glasses made in Rata Sum). I am hoping that we can get the current glasses we have in the Gem Store, to be transmutable onto Armor instead of just Town Clothes. The reason behind this, is just common logic. If I needed glasses to see, why would I only wear them in town, and not in combat when I need them the most? Glasses would make sense to wear anytime as you need to be able to see what you are doing in combat. I know the whole “Don’t compare fantasy to reality” argument will pop up, but just thought it would be nice.

Well those are some ideas I can think of at the moment. Hopefully they don’t sound too far fetched and seem reasonable. Thanks for reading and happy gaming all.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

(edited by SpyderArachnid.5619)

Town Clothing Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mojo.2691


I’d like to also suggest sPvP set as an alternative town outfit. You still wouldn’t be able to fight in it but you can at least show it off.

Town Clothing Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyfae.7218


I’m pretty sure at one point we were supposed to be able to get the town clothes that NPC wear. I can’t find the place I read about it, but it stuck in my head. Same for town clothes that we could earn in game like during the personnal story (a different outfit for noble/commoner/street rat would be only logical, same for different legion charrs, etc …) and I’m sure I saw on this forum a discussion implying that there were town clothes for each craft profession – people talked about how the cook outfit was different regarding the race and some Admin mentionned a blacksmith outfit.

But in the end, there’s no other town clothes than the one you get at the beginning – same for everyone from the same race – and the handful of set you can buy with gems. I hope this will change …

Town Clothing Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bonefield.9813


I think these are all good suggestions. Especially the glasses. I would love to have a way to transmute town clothing onto armor, even if it had to be done through a special transmutation stone.

Town Clothing Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

I would imagine these are things that will likely come in the future. Right now they are trying to get the game working as close to perfect as they can, and it’s gonna take a while longer still. Once they get the major issues out of the way then they can start focusing on the fun little things again. We can only wait right now but I can’t imagine they wouldn’t be adding more options of the sort, the only thing I don’t see them considering without suggestion is the underwear, which, yes we need more options or at the very least the option to color them differently with our dyes.

Town Clothing Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Can I haz kittens on my underbears?

This message was brought to you by a Kitten with a Keyboard

Town Clothing Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silverwing.3416


I am extremely disappointed at the lack of options for town clothes, especially since the ones I get on my own character are far more ugly than anything the NPCs are wearing.

The only town clothes I actually like so far are the ones on my human female character.

My charr female character is wearing these extremely ugly tattered rags and metal. I tried to find a way to dye them to make them look less terrible, and I failed.

My sylvari female is wearing this really bizarre bikini top and bottom, with these horrendous 80’s-looking legwarmers that I can’t unequip without walking around in my underwear.

There is a LOT of room for future content patches here, and the best part is, all of those models are already in-game on dozens of NPCs wandering around the cities. They don’t even need to make new models.

Town Clothing Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Different Underwear Choices
Now I know what you’re thinking. But there is a logical reason for this, trust me. When our armor breaks, it vanishes. So we end up running around in our underwear for a limited time till we get it repaired.

Are you sure about this? I’ve had my armor break several times and I have never seen myself in underwear.

Although, I have usually not let more than 3 pieces break.

Town Clothing Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mojo.2691


Are you sure about this? I’ve had my armor break several times and I have never seen myself in underwear.

Although, I have usually not let more than 3 pieces break.

Yeah they disappear when they break completely. Was kind of funny because me and guildies was defending a Tower when I feel off the wall and got ravaged by a huge group.

After the group was pushed back I was laying dead in my underwear. When guildies came to rez me they all was laughing at me… kept asking me if I wanted to talk about it or if it hurt when I sat down.

Town Clothing Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I broke all of my armor in one fell swoop when I successfully jumped off Rata Sun.

Mistress of Faceplantsu