

in Suggestions

Posted by: CaldaRaric.6305


I used the search to look for this and I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this, but I think it would be neat if there were a trading option with other players. Right now there is no secure way to trade another player for an item then just mailing it to them and hoping they mail you coins or item back. Make it so you can right click the players name, select trade so a trade window pops up, then put the item you want to trade or put coins.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


There is a trading option with other players.

Its called The Black Lion Trading Post and its there for a good reason.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks


in Suggestions

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

It’s been mentioned a lot. Basically:
– ANET intentionally chose to not include a secure trading method. They have posted on their reasons before.
– GW2 has much less trade spam than any other MMO I’ve played. I think that this is because there is no trade window (or COD mail, or some other equivalent). With no safe way to trade with another player, people are really hesitant to respond to the spam because of the obvious risk*. With no payoff to spamming, most people don’t spam. I’ve yet to hear anyone even attempt an alternative explanation to the lack of trade spam.
– I haven’t seen anyone state any credible advantages that having a trade window would bring to GW2 as a whole. The closest I’ve seen are reasons that would help RPers, but they are only a subset of the community. Certainly nothing that is worth the cost of the trade spam that will come with it.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Absolutionis.9427


You should have seen the trade spam in the game before the TP went online. Everyone that found an item of green or gtreater would spam map chat in pretty much every zone.

I believe a majority of my block list still consists of those people.

The Tradepost is cross-server and cross-map. Player-to-player trading encourages map-spam and only works within the server.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Not to mention if you really want to trade on your server the system of Mailing the item and then them mailing the gold or Visa Versa is an excellent system to weed out the people that are there to scam or defraud others. I have sold a few things here and there through Map chat ( even after TP ) and out of the 20 or so odd things I have sold, I been scammed 3 times. I had them on my friends list I reported the scam and theft and with in a hour tops I watched that name go off my list with a mail that said player has been removed and does not exists any more, with another mail that had my item in it.

I don’t really worry about mail trading, cause if someone wants to try and rip me off for a 50 silver to 3 gold item and lose their account so be it lol. Hope it was worth it.

Although Snoring Sleepwalker.9073 said it best it does force people to use TP and it does bring down the gold influx in the game allowing Arena Net to keep the game in a stable position.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


If trade for each server (and the spam it brings) is what’s concerning all of you then what about a BLTC for trading items with items only (no money)? I’m not a fan of the spam either, but actually being able to securely (I mean securely as in once you and this other person agree on the items you don’t have to rely on trusting them via mail or w/e) trade one item for another would be very nice. For instance let’s say multiple people have item X they want to trade, they can select whatever item they want to receive and then put it up. Once someone with the item that they want comes by, who also wants their item X they just click and ‘buy’ it by exchanging their items via BLTC or some trading equivalent. Easy, no spam, and no worry. …Thinking about this though maybe the only concern would be how it affects gold’s worth in the game but eh I’m no economist xD


in Suggestions

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

You should have seen the trade spam in the game before the TP went online. Everyone that found an item of green or gtreater would spam map chat in pretty much every zone.

Oh, I did. That further reinforces my theory because the trade spam stopped very quickly as soon as the trading post went up. Meaning that as soon as there was a viable alternative to trade spam, the spam stopped. With no trading post, the only way to trade with other players was to spam.