Trading Post Pick Up

Trading Post Pick Up

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


It seems to me that the only option you have to pick up your money and items in the TP is to “Take All”.
But i would like to only get to mony or certain items and let the rest be.
I buy things in quit some numbers and sell them later but parking a 100 full stacks of items in the bank is imposible for me.

please give us an option to take certain items and just the money out of the TP.

Trading Post Pick Up

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hateborne.7942


I would agree here. I use my Guardian as my TP sucker, handling all the “heavy lifting”. On my Mesmer, I usually upgrade a weapon here or a rune there. I dislike having to loot two bags full of greens/rares just to get my one rune.


EDIT: I merely intend for the TP to let me snag a single item out for my alt. My big guardian handles all my sales/purchases and has the bag space to accommodate such nonsense. My little lowbie Mesmer does not.

(edited by Hateborne.7942)

Trading Post Pick Up

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


The TP isn’t supposed to be extra storage. You can immediately relist what you buy without storing it, but if you buy 100 stacks of Candy Corn you need bank space to put it in without the TP holding it for you for a year. If you’re going to play/manipulate market demands then at least you should accept the storage pressure.

Definitely not signed.
Sorrows Furnace