Trading system outside of TP
I, personally, have never had a problem with a trade. Perhaps I have been lucky or simply blessed for being so trustworthy. However, the world is full of people with ulterior motives, so this would be a good idea.
um, you are not forced to trust anyone – use the trading post if you dont want to trust someone…
The trading post takes away from people’s sense of pride in their work though. When you post something on the trading post your name isn’t attached. Nobody knows who made the equipment. Therefore nobody knows who to talk to to have equipment crafted.
Also a P2P trading system would be beneficial; I don’t care what anyone says against it.
Also, the Trading Post is impersonal. It is fun to RP trading, haggle with the person and being able to know that you are not going to get kitten’d in the end would help this.
I think we may see this feature implemented in time and would be a welcome addition to our trade options.
Yes, a lot of posting and talk of this is still in the works. Perhaps not too far along now.
why are we reduced to having to trust if someone is going to mail an item to us via the in game mail? when you guys at Anet could no doubt strip the programming from gw1 about in game trading.
Obviously, direct trading has been discarded intentionally to cripple real money trading (and, in my opinion, rightfully so). Use the trading post instead.
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas
a player 2 player trading system is almost a must for a modern MMO. I fail to see why ANET thought it was a good idea to not have one.
I fully support this.
I think we may see this feature implemented in time and would be a welcome addition to our trade options.
Unlikely. Not implementing it was a very intentional move on ANET’s part. Why are they going to change their mind just because the move was unpopular ?
Especially if the evidence they have collected agreess with why they didn’t include it.
a player 2 player trading system is almost a must for a modern MMO. I fail to see why ANET thought it was a good idea to not have one.
The reason ANET staff give is that forcing people to use the trading post vastly reduces scams. Probably true, as once people understand the obvious mail trading scam (not sending what you have promised) and stop mail trading they won’t be vulnerable to more subtle scams. But there are some other benefits that come from the removal of secure P2P trading:
- Vastly less trade spam cluttering up chat channels.
– It forces people to pay the trading post tax. Which is the only gold sink that can halt inflation*, which is good for the long term health of the economy. Sure, ANET could tax P2P trades if someone is paying coin, but not if it’s an item for item trade. Especially if players start hording an item to use as a currency, like they did with ectos in GW1.
*Other gold sinks remove gold at a fixed rate. Since players earn more gold than they sink, inflation happens. But the tax is a variable rate, the higher prices are, the more it sinks. So inflation will mean it takes more gold, slowing inflation until we hit the point where it’s taking gold at the same rate that players are creating it. Which means no inflation (well, a cycle of inflation and deflation around a point).
Also, the Trading Post is impersonal. It is fun to RP trading, haggle with the person and being able to know that you are not going to get kitten’d in the end would help this.
Lucky you. I’ve never found someone willing to haggle in MMOs, and the trading post making prices so obvious is only going to make haggling harder
The trading post takes away from people’s sense of pride in their work though. When you post something on the trading post your name isn’t attached. Nobody knows who made the equipment. Therefore nobody knows who to talk to to have equipment crafted.
Also, nobody knows who sold a lot of crafted stuff. Meaning that if you have, you won’t be bothered by people whispering you to try and get a better deal than the price you’re asking on the trading post.
yep the TP is fine… when it works. that’s about 25% of the time……..
I would like to suggest that a trade window be brought to gw2.
Reasons I think this needs to be done is so one or more parties don’t get screwed by a mail transaction. What if u mail an item or money to a person and the other does not send the money or item you bought. Instead the player can keep the item or money and not send what he/she said was going to send.
Everytime I use the mail with someone I do not know I have the feeling that the person is going to steal my money or my item. A trade window will be a big improvement to the game because it will prevent shady deals from happening.
Black Lion Trading Company.
Use It.
Edit: Press “o”
I don’t agree, with the trade company for being a viable option. In larger guilds, you may not know other members of the guild to help you with your crafting and are forced to rely on potential strangers to craft something for you. With a trading option, you have the ability to at least varify the receipt of goods prior to money being disbursed. Additionally, lately the BLTC has been down. At least with a trade window there might be another alternative.
(edited by fritanga.1623)
You can still get scammed in a trade window and many did in GW 1 . The example I like to use is Ice ( gotten during Galen Trask quest) looked exactly like a sapphire and one could easily be scammed not knowing they bought 5 ice instead of 5 sapphires .
i’m sure that the problem with the in game trade will be negated once that the TP is up and running continually, but since it keeps going down, i personally have had many scam problems, hence my original posting.
I wanted to give someone a food buff in a dungeon duo, I forgot about mailing during that time, however trade would be nice. Or at least let me right click his name and press send mail to (not sure if that’s already an option or not).
Cash on delivery is good for mailing trades.
Keep it as is. The only reason you don’t want to trade via TP is either for real money trading or because you want to sell something cheaply to a friend and in the latter case mailing the item is fine since if you can’t trust that person you probably don’t want to sell the item to them cheaply in the first place.
Role players can easily use mail instead to simulate a direct trade – imagination and suspension of disbelief is what they are good at anyway. They save 15% in commission for the trouble. win-win.
Duplicate suggestion:
If there is a trade window implemented, even just a cash on delivery mail, then please let there be a trade channel and strict rules not to use any other channel for trade spam. I’d rather leave it as is though. Works fine and it’s only a minor inconvenience when a direct trade is desired.
I have another reason for a trade window. what if you want to trade item for item. in the trading post you cannot trade say an opal for a ruby. you would have to trade it through the mail. what happens when I send the person my ruby and they do not send me the opal. 1 person gets screwed and what can they do? cry in map chat and no one will care.
I’d very much like to have a one on one trading system similar to GW1. Main trade would still be done trough the TP but this would be an exceedingly convenient complement. There’s no way I’m going to trust a stranger with the prone-to-scams mailing system.
Cash on delivery is good for mailing trades.
Would require arbitration in case of scams. More complicated for Anet to manage.