Trait Tree loadout system (GW2 Templates )

Trait Tree loadout system (GW2 Templates )

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheMaskedGamer.5708


Hey Guild Wars 2 players and developers, hope you guys keep up your good works and are having fun. Anyway I want to post an idea that could possibly make the Guild Wars 2 experience run a lot smoother for all of us.

One of the major aspects of the game is that the professions in the game are not restricted with specific roles in the game. Essentially you can have a class that can be modified to whatever specifications to fit our play style. The community then takes advantage of both creating and providing ideas for all the different builds each profession can do. I can make my Guardian a complete support character for Dungeons, or make a High Condition Damage build for PvE or WvWvW and so on with the other classes.

However, one thing that bothers me it that if I want to switch between different builds and equipment for different occasions with your main character or others, you have to go through the long process of going to a trainer, pay your reset fee, set up your Trait point, go to your bank or inventory, and switch your equipment for the specific things you wish to do with your character.

This is pretty typical stuff for an MMO, but I think this process just slows down gameplay for me and possibly other players.

What I want to suggest is a “loadout” system that allows you to name and save your character builds and gives you the ability to switch between other builds and equipment in an instant. Sort like Call of Duty or Halo 4 where you use the same character, but can switch weapons and abilities instantly when you wish to switch to a different play style.

For example: I own a Lvl 80 Guardian who is my main character throughout most of my quest and WvWvW shenanigans. I tend to use a Tank/Support build for Dungeons and Solo PvE, but for WvWvW I try to switch to a more offensive High Critical Hit build to fight players effectively. But then of course I have to look up the build that I want to use, then start resetting my traits once again and you know the rest. My idea could be as simple as reset my traits, from there you as your trainer if you wish to choose one of your saved builds, you say yes and can choose between the different options you have saved. And there you have saved enough time to go to your guild or PvP activities and such.

Some of you might say, “Well that’s why you have character slots, so you can switch characters with the play style you wish you use at the moment.” Well I say that doesn’t make sense for two reasons. First is that if I wish to invest time on a character that the developers or the game for that matter wish for me to connect and care, then I wish to make him as versatile and useful for whatever I need. And secondly it would take a lot of time to literally make a clone character that looks exactly like you main , but with different traits and abilities. I for one don’t wish to make a clone character just because I’m in the mood to play a different way or activity.

So there Arenanet, I hope you can consider this idea to be a part of the game to make this game run like clockwork. Sorry I made this post long, but I did it because I really love this game, and I wish for it to be the best MMO their can be. Im not entirely sure if this idea was ever present in an MMORPG before, and if its not, take a chance to do it. Hope you guys like the idea. Take care and game on!

Trait Tree loadout system (GW2 Templates )

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sli Fi.7980

Sli Fi.7980

I agree. At the very least, they could allow different presets for WvW and PvE.

Trait Tree loadout system (GW2 Templates )

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enakro.9428


You mean a Template system like in Guild Wars 1? We had that, even saved gear and such to template. The code is still there I have no idea why they removed this feature.
I second your opinion entirely, I’m sick of wasting papers that end up getting lost under the couch lol. While they’re at it they should reinstate dyeable weapons too since they removed that feature as well….

Trait Tree loadout system (GW2 Templates )

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheMaskedGamer.5708


Wow, I didn’t even know Arenanet had something like that for the previous installment. Come on devs, lets bring this back!!!! XD