Dear Anet
I’ve played GW1 for many years…
And one of the things I loved was making up new builds and try them out.
Switching to another build to adjust my playstyle depending on what I was doing.
The problem is in GW2 is we only have 1 set of traits and we have to pay to change them!
And that’s a BIG step backwards for me.
-I can’t test builds in PvE zones
-I can’t adjust my build between PvE & Dungeons
-Harder to make up a great party with tactics depending on your build
-No more fun testing builds and discovering new great combinations
I don’t understand this? I know this isn’t supposed to be like GW1 but why did you took away the good things from GW1!
Having to pay for every little thing is NOT fun (Not only traits)!
I love this game and all, but really you had some great designs in GW1 and took them away in GW2!
Please! Don’t throw away the good stuff from GW1!