Transmutation Stones!

Transmutation Stones!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gantzie.4135


Hello forum going friends,

Bit of a gripe below, but I am opening up the “box” to see who else is thinking the same thing!

When using Transmutation Stones, the unused item is destroyed, up until now I was ok with this. However I feel when using Cultural Armor (In my case, I’m transmuting the Charr Cultural Tier 1 onto my 80 Armor) the Cultural Armor should not be destroyed!

I know I am going to get gear with better stats in the future, I really don’t want to have to keep spending my hard earned gold on (what I think) is a really nice set of armor each time I get a new piece to keep my look (Which fits my characters personality and story!!)

How many other players are feeling this way? Devs? Thoughts from your side? Lets hear some opinions!

Transmutation Stones!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermod.2643


I agree- I submitted this as an idea to bypass this issue.

Since all the endgame gear is going to be the same stat-wise, there should be a way to get several different styles on your current armor without losing that style. If I want 2 end-game level sets with different styles, I’d have to farm 2 sets of end game gear to apply those styles. I find that kind of limiting- once you have a style, you’re not going to want to change it as it was hard earned, and changing it would cause you to lose it forever.