Transmutation Stones

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: shonefob.7091


Just a fielding a suggestion here and will see what people think. Would it be possible to make it so transmutation stones work across light, medium , and heavy armor. So a Warrior could get the look of medium armor, or a ranger could get the look of heavy armor and so on but would not get any of the benefits or disadvantages that come with wearing the different types of armor. I am requesting this because I play ranger but really love the Koda armor. Also I have other friends who play such things as warrior or ele that would love to be able to wear the different sizes. So what do you think? Would love to get some responses.

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: NoPanDa.3048


Yes please! This I wanted from the start. I’m used to how it works in Lord of the Rings Online and there you can at any time change your armor to look like any other armor regardless of what type it is. It’s just wonderful to see what cool looks players come up with. I don’t see any point in restricting players from combining armor-skins how ever they want. Personally I want my bad kitten guardian to be able to have a nice cloth hood on his plate and maybe even some softer-looking shoulders, like the light ascalonian shoulders.

Further more, if the transmutation stones weren’t restricted to a certain type of armor Anet could even start to release special looking armors with no stats or armor type that did just give you a skin. I saw a lot of these kinds of armors in Lord of the Rings Online and they were often rewards for special events and festivals. That way they don’t have to design a new heavy, light and medium set every time they want to release something. Sometimes it could be enough with just one new set with a unspecified armor type.

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yasha.6105


I logged and was about to post this exact same suggestion… Please implement this now! There are just not enough armor skins for one weight class to mix and match.

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantax.1369


Yep, great idea. This is also implemented in Rift and some of the player/gear combinations look awesome !
C’mon Anet get with the times !

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Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bag.4120


Agreed, would be so cool!

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

totally agree.

They could at least let us transmute head gear of any type we want. Helmets can be turned off anyways, so that shouldnt be a problem for anyone.

being able to transmute whole armor though would be even cooler

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: trollfan.6352


I’ve been wanting this feature since day one, so I totally agree
PS. I also wish for more holy/angelic looking armors for guardian!

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Poi.6541


Yesssss, I’ve been wanting this since, well, I first heard about transmutation!

As a female player, playing female light armor characters can get on my nerves since there aren’t that many “tasteful” armor sets and I want my characters to look respectable, elegant, strong and functional, not like I’m going to a beach party. Instead I started mixing and matching, but you know, being light-armor only allows you so much and it was rather hard to get something usable yet unique… It would be great if we could transmute other armor classes, that way I’ll be able to find more combinations to appeal to my own taste.

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valot.7954


Hate to sound like the negative nancy here but I’ve previewed heavy armor with my medium armor and a lot of it overlaps. They would need to really look into making sure all armor pieces are compatible “or” just make new armor/armor skins in the future that are compatible so players can wear a hood with heavy armor.

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: xerca.6135


I like this idea.
I had planned to make a Guardian with mainly staff and scepter. All magical mage-like, but it would not really work if she had to stomp around in heavy armor. Would be great if she her armor could look more like a robe instead.

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: NoPanDa.3048


Hate to sound like the negative nancy here but I’ve previewed heavy armor with my medium armor and a lot of it overlaps. They would need to really look into making sure all armor pieces are compatible “or” just make new armor/armor skins in the future that are compatible so players can wear a hood with heavy armor.

I know what you mean but I think it’s fine. It’s mainly the long coats of the medium armors that overlap and don’t fit well with other armor pieces, but you don’t have to combine armors that you don’t think fit. That the option is there is not bad. It’s up to the players to pick and combine armor pieces they think look good together, and man I must say there are a lot of really awesome looking combinations.