Transmutation Stones
This reminds me of my idea to make Transmutation Gems for additionally picking which of the stats on your armor you wish to transfer over instead of one of the two as a set. But I digress, I agree wholeheartedly with your suggestion to upgrade them in a recipe, I have far too many I can’t use already!
i agree. No sense having a bunch of these stones we can’t use.
I already have 180 BTS I can’t use. Once all your characters are lvl 80, the BTS become useless.
~Sincerely, Scissors
The cutoff is nonsensical. Item level 79 and below, transmutation stone. Level 80, transmutation crystal. This no matter if the item is basic or legendary.
Tell me about it. For that matter – while I get that ANet wants to sell T Crystals – the droprate on those in the wild is abysmal. As regards the cutoff point, they honestly should’ve went with 70-80, since 70’s when you start really seeing Exotics, and can break
EQ down for Ectos.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
While I don’t have this problem yet (I’m still using Transmutation Stones to keep special skins usable on my alts) I can see it being a problem once all your characters are level 80 and have a lack of Transmutation Crystals and an abundance of Transmutation Stones.
8/9 Professions, Asura Guardian main.
I doubt Anet will do anything like allowing a conversion of basic to fine transmutation stones. The reason is simple: Money. I bet Anet sells a ton of gems to people who desperately want fine transmutation stones.