Travel time in wvw

Travel time in wvw

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chris S.8273

Chris S.8273


Is there any plans for adding a speed boost or mounts. I know players dont want mounts and i understand. But i find it very bland in wvw to walk for 10 mins to get to any kind of action or activity. I play a guardian and i know they are slow to begin with but come on. And you cut off all way points even remotely close to any action. I think players would want to wvw more if they didnt have to spend the majority of the time walking. I know i would. I dont want to sound like a QQ crybaby just a suggestion to make wvw alot more fun. Give everyone 20% speed passive in wvw or something.

Travel time in wvw

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragoon.9536


have weapons that does speed buff and keep it im not having problems cuz i use speed buff that gives me 30% speed for a duration so use it and plan ahead.

but i would like the other siege weapon to be mobile hell I SEE WHEELS
wheels mean it can move but yet its park im like really why would waste such wood for wheels that doesnt move hell they have tank in the game i found one lol.

Travel time in wvw

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarvok.4206


I thinking being able to kill a guy and have him out of the action for a while is kind of the point. I know you want to be back in the action… but do you really want the opposing team to have that same ability?