Tribal Races playable
Some races were designed as non-playable ones, so don’t expect them to be implemented.
If you want new race, you will have to wait a bit till they introduce Tengu
Î am really looking forward to the tengu.
I also is something that I am not neccessarly want myself. It is just something that I realized many people would find awesome and an idea I had how you could implement something like that without being overwelmed by new content you have to write.
Of cause I do not know how the backend from Anet is designed so my suggestion could be virtually impossible to implement. It is just something I wanted to share.
The story however from a tribal person travelling around in the major cities of this world and learning about diffrent cultures and religions, that is something I totally would want to play myself.
I also am looking forward to the Tengu.
the tribal races though… I don’t know. I won’t like it, a few of these races were designed without the thought of them needing a player model. (The Hylek) And it would be way too much work for them to implement them in. (Animations and all that stuff)
I don’t know why, but when I imagine a playable Quaggan, it feels like playing WoW with a Murloc. It’s funny but…
Team Kodan. I want to be a Kodan so bad!
I would like to play a skritt, but I think it should not possible to have Rata Sum as home city for them… maybe one should only get the options for cities that have the tribal race as the racial sympathy.
Yeah that the races aren’t designed for having a player modell, I think it wouldn’t even bother people if only one piece of equipment would show up. The idea is is that you play an underdog race.
Not as may features as the main five but and only one story for five races, but an option to play them and I think that allone would make many people happy.
The point with starting city was just to get t idea out three to put the racial sympathy into account when you choose your starting city would be a nice touch I think.
Kodan, Largos and Dredge could get a similar treatment, but I think those races have a bit more potential, than the 5 tribal races you encounter in the storyline.
And the Tengu as I said… I firmly believe that the will become a playerrace in the future.
having a new race would royally screw up the story unless it was for an expansion.
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.
May I ask how? The stories of the races aren’t really connected and after level 30 your race has hardly an influence on the personal story. (It determs which two of the tribal races you may not visit.)
So how would the story be screwed up?
I reallize that it is much coding trouble to do so, so I would expect this to be somehow money content like an expantion or the gem store, but again I do not see your concern with the story.
Having thought some more about the racial sympathy thing and starting cities… maybe it should be something you have to actively unlock. I mean you have to play first one of the main races, and when you complete the recial sympathy story arc you get that race for your city unlocked… and maybe, since it is not your main character but just a little extra to play, maybe you get no access at all to a personal story with the tribal race character. So, it basically is just there for the look.
If the Hylek or Skritt were turned into a player race, obviously a new model would be made that would resemble the old model, but would show armor. I really don’t see any problems that would arise with implementing these races in any other way though. They can using the existing starting cities with no problems, just give them an excuse that they are a refugee or something. They have been integrated into the culture of one of the starting playable races as servants or something.
Skritt can start in Rata Sum, Grawl can start in the Black Citadel, Hylek could start in the Grove, etc.
Of course, there may be some question as to how many people would actually play any of these races. Although some people hate them and would never play them, I can imagine the Skritt being popular. The Grawl are kind of reminiscent of orcs or goblins, I think it says something that EverQuest made up some really wonky races rather than ever making playable orcs or goblins, but then again— they are popular in WoW. The Hylek would be popular among those who like Frogloks in EverQuest (which means… not many).
Then there are the Ogres who are even larger than the Norn which may cause some issues and the Quaggon who… well, at first blukitteneems like a cute idea, but I wonder how many people would really stick with them rather than playing it for just one day.
The Tengu are a lot more civilized, but that is a double-edged sword. With refugees from tribal races, it makes sense for them to be harbored in other race’s cities and they can even use other race’s quests with some basic dialogue alterations. For the most part, all the new content for the tribal, savage ones can be focused entirely on building the character model.
The Tengu almost seem to demand their own city and perhaps their own level 1-15 zone. Given the rather low functional utility of cities (being able to access the marketplace from anywhere and not having to collect quests or report back to quests givers means that cities have almost no purpose in this game) and that more than 40% of the games content already is below level 25 would mean that the implementation of the Tengu would seem to go along with the implementation of a not inconsiderable amount of content that would go unused.
But— who knows. Maybe their plan is to put in the Tengu, Kodan and Largos and implement the vast amount of new content that will go almost entirely unused along with them. That is what I have come to find is common in the MMORPG market.
But, I still think putting in the Skritt, Hylek, Grawl, Ogre and/or Quaggon could be done significantly easier, people would still pay to play them and they could be implemented without creating new cities, new quests and at the most just dropping several new NPCs within existing cities to make them seem more integrated into these new homes (much like the Troll or Gnome in WarCraft or a number of races in EverQuest 2) and those who want to play them will be quite happy.
And those who would get their panties into a bunch over there being an allied Skritt running around in their PC mobs in the high level PvE and the WvW zones and fighting with equal effectiveness as them? Well, their complaining will die down and they’ll get over it. After finishing all the low-level zones I can say I wouldn’t see it one bit out-of-theme for a Skritt to be running with my party (in fact, it seems quite common!) and helping me out and only slightly more odd for a Hylek or Grawl to do so.
It would seem significantly more odd to me for there to be Quaggons fighting alongside me because… as far as I have seen, they don’t fight. But I have rescued enough of them for me to think one or two ought to be backing me. Ogres would seem strange though as I have encountered them only as enemies and they haven’t shown any habit of teaming up with PCs.
In fact, up to those point I would find it significantly more odd to see Tengu or Kodan allies suddenly appear in mass— because I’ve barely encountered them at all as friend or foe. Yes, I got some Kodan help in my storyline quests, but for the most part they seem rare, seem to exist in a very small region and don’t seem to be particularly integrated into the world— none of which is true of Skritt, Grawl or Hylek. But then, I haven’t completed 100% yet. Maybe by the end of this week I’ll get used to seeing so many friend and enemy Tengu across the world that they’ll no longer seem like a rare oddity.
(edited by Hobgoblyn.7984)
Team Hylek!!
I want to be a frog SOOO bad!
I would kill to play as a Quaggan. Their just so ADORABLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I’d love to play a Kodan. I really hope this possibility makes it into an expansion.