Turn off Zenith weapon effects option
Your complaining about 30 frames per second? In my opinion, this seems more of a high class problem
I think a simpler solution would be to turn down a couple of graphical options that make little difference, most effect your fps without giving a real difference.
Most likely in a pub…unable to sit on stools/chairs
Your complaining about 30 frames per second? In my opinion, this seems more of a high class problem
I dont think OP was, they said “My fps drops 30 frames…”
a 30 frame drop from a zenith staff? Sounds like an exaggeration.
@sinzer yeah sure especially that I never had that 30 fps and I never noticed drops of fps after equipping zenith staf AND radiant gloves myself!
and my computer is as old as this game (but not ended yet I have to buy new GPU in exchange of that integred with the motherboard )
more than on zenith weapons I would be mad on friendly enginners that are spamming grenades – sometimes I have fps drops because of them
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
meh i kinda run the game at 12 frames on low lag zones LOL but thats cuz i cant afford a new gpu so meh not anet to blame there