Typing in chat needs to be uninterruptable

Typing in chat needs to be uninterruptable

in Suggestions

Posted by: innomnemon.7514


There is nothing more annoying than trying to chat and every couple seconds some new important window interrupts the chat box, thus making the letters you were typing open all sorts of shortcuts and hotkeys. This happens frequently in PvP, especially at the end of a match, and it happens with anything involving party changing, team changing, map changing, tournament queue requests, tournament queue pops, often something beyond your control. It’s doubly annoying because often it’s interrupted multiple times in a row, so just as you click in the chat box to type that last word, some other priority window opens, and all you’re trying to do is answer a question quickly before the map whisks you or the other people away. It’s head-fuzzyingly frustrating.

I’m sure someone else has posted on this matter, but all forum search did (as it ever does) is return with unrelated posts about rangers and their pets or warriors’ shouts.

Typing in chat needs to be uninterruptable

in Suggestions

Posted by: neon.4863


Ahhh this happens to me so often. Start typing and then suddenly TP, hero window, inventor all over the place.

Personally I think chat should be interrupted when you specifically click outside of the chat box (which already happens) but in no other situations, especially since in situations where you might want to stop typing (e.g. being attacked) chat isn’t interrupted anyway.

Typing in chat needs to be uninterruptable

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I support this wholeheartedly! Also, please, for the love of kitten, make the text buffer bigger!

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