U/I Changes for peace of mind
I could go for this.
Just for clarification before someone says buy more inventory space.
I have the max amount of space anet allows you to purchase.
As someone who runs dungeons nonstop (all dungeons) I have 1 bank tab devoted solely to dungeon tokens, next week I will have to start on the second, I may just spend all the tokens on exotics to throw in the forge, but I would rather save the tokens for alts or if I make a new build and I need a diffferent gearset.
I am a max chef and artificer(actually I maxed all disciplines), I have two bank tabs full of food I dont want to throw away because I use it sometimes, same with potions.
I have to use 5 invisible bags to carry around all of my gearsets and weapons for various builds, I had this issue in guild wars one and it was somewhat addressed by thier equipement storage bag, but not fully.
It really sucks that one gear piece goes to one rune, it only makes the situation with storage space worse for changing builds that may only require a few piece and rune changes.