UI ......

UI ......

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mordina.3529


Maybe mentioned before but i would like to be able to move the kitten target cause its allways in the bloody way when your for example are fighting flying bosses. they hide behind the kitten target window xD

UI ......

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hyde.6189



Or at least make most of it, apart from maybe the portrait circle, invisible to mouse-clicks, so we can click or target stuff that’s behind it. And even the portrait can be invisible to left-click as it’s only right-click that really needs to work on it to bring up the menu.

UI ......

in Suggestions

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


You are unable to change any of the ui and i doubt if you ever will be. However, your example is not really a big issue, simply detarget and there you go, you can see that flying creature again. If you’re worried about losing your old target, call that target first and that way all you have to do to retarget your first target is press whatever button you have it assigned to (defult T). As for the Hyde again, it’s not a massive issue, just slimply move your camera around abit you whatever was behind the target area is now in a visable space. The target frame is so small i can’t say that i’ve ever experianced any issues with it

UI ......

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hyde.6189


Obviously we can just detarget, we can also just rotate the camera further so the potential target isn’t underneath it, but these are both a pain and delay the action which is not ideal in the middle of combat. We can’t change the UI but there’s no reason ANet can’t make changes to it, and this change could be an improvement with no down-side.

(edited by Hyde.6189)

UI ......

in Suggestions

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


I’m not saying that they can’t, i’m just saying imo i don’t think that we’ll see them change something like the UI now, if they wasn’t happy with the position of it i’d assume they’d have changed that pre-launch and not half a year later, but i could be wrong and we could see a change so never know.

I was just saying that they are the only ways around the problem you seem to be having as there are no ways to change the UI and anet have not said nor hinted towards changing it any time soon. As i say i’ve never experianced any issues with mine and i personally feel that it is in a great place on the screen, easy to see and never in the way of mobs. Maybe you have a smallish monitor or not having your camera fully zoomed out I don’t know.

UI ......

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hyde.6189


Maybe you have a smallish monitor or not having your camera fully zoomed out I don’t know.

27" monitor running 1920×1080 and fully zoomed out. It’s not a matter of how much area you can see, there will always be occasions when the thing you want to target ends up underneath the target UI widget. And not only do the visible parts of the widget block clicks, but there is an invisible box around it that also blocks them, which is the most annoying part. You try targetting, notice that it fails, then have to move the camera around before trying to target again. This probably doesnt make any different in PvE but in fast-paced PvP encounters it can make a big difference.

They don’t need to move the thing, just make it invisible to clicks, it’s hardly a major UI change.