USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

do we need a guild wars 2 starter edition?

from here:
look at heroic edition priced at usd 49.99 (round up usd50.00)
- Guild Wars 2 game (5 character slots, 4000 gems value)
- Suit of Legacy Armor* (500 gems value)
- Mithril Box* (2.5 gold maybe 400 gems value)
- 10 Experience Boosters* (1100 gems value)

total gems value: 6000 gems
usd50 buys us 4000 gems based on usd100 per 800 gems

what if there is a guild wars 2 starter edition priced at usd9.99?
- Guild Wars 2 game (1 character slots, 800 gems value)

total gems value: 800 gems
usd10 buys us 800 gems

a lower price may easily attract even more new buyers, if they are happy, they end up spending more dollars in the gem store.

what does the official guild wars 2 forum community think?
what does anet and ncsoft think?

edit: for guild wars 2 heroic edition marketing purposes, maybe they can say “usd75 worth of content in a usd50 deal!” or something.

i.e. new buyers get usd25 more worth of value from a usd50 deal.

(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chase.8415


I’d like to keep this game in business.

If people are too cheap to pay for a game, they are most likely not going to buy anything in the gem store anyway.

The current price is fine.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sky.7610


Sounds like a good idea to me. Lets be honest, the main source of revenue for Anet has been the gem store, and has been for many months now as box sales continue to slow down. This is true of all old games, so why not take this opportunity to capitalize on their main source of revenue and increase the accessibility of the game? It’s fair to say that the vast majority of players who wanted to buy a 2012 game would had already done so.

I’d like to keep this game in business.

If people are too cheap to pay for a game, they are most likely not going to buy anything in the gem store anyway.

The current price is fine.

There’s so much ignorance in this post. As previously noted, your $60 one time purchase is not a incentive for Anet to continue expanding the game, the very profitable gemstone is. Having said that, why not increase accessibility to this gem store while making a modest profit off of this $10 deal? This would not make Anet more poor than they are now. Any extra box sales at this point is just icing on the cake. Also for your 2nd point, there’s countless of free MMO,MMORPG,MMOFPS games out there with microtransaction and I assure you that they are still in business.

(edited by Sky.7610)

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

- Mithril Box* (2.5 gold maybe 400 gems value)

It’s closer to 40 gems, really.


USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

- Mithril Box* (2.5 gold maybe 400 gems value)

It’s closer to 40 gems, really.

whops! my bad! math fail terribad there ahah!

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: azizul.8469


not a bad idea there Uncle…. can be aimed to people who would want to try GW2 but not want to be limited during certain period only….

if they want more character slots, they can purchase them from BLTP….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


I’d like to keep this game in business.

If people are too cheap to pay for a game, they are most likely not going to buy anything in the gem store anyway.

The current price is fine.

In theory, for a B2P game, this makes sense. However, in the market, the older the game gets, the less people are inclined to buy it. simply because it’s an older game.

Now at the moment that may not be a big issue, but I think that latest this time next year things may look a little different.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: LHound.8964


It’s about the business. The higher the cost of the product, the bigger the advantages it have to bring, or players will not choose to buy the higher priced product.

So, I would agree to a cheaper account, if it brings limitations (example) :
- Cost → USD 25;
- Karma, XP, WXP and Glory rate → halved;
- Instances tokens received per run→ reduced by 40%;
- Maybe a level max lv79 restriction;

In line with this, the create another upgrade into : Heroic Edition priced @ gems worth of USD 40 (3200 gems), and being unable for the deluxe upgrade unless heroic account.

This could create a higher influx of new players. Old players could help their friends with the gold→gems upgrade to help them if they have a tight financial situation.


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Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mirta.5029


^No need to add restrictions to something people have to pay more for – it’s not a free demo after all.
In my opinion one shouldn’t sell the game with less than full 5 character slots. However the unneeded things are:
- Suit of Legacy Armor* (500 gems value)
– Mithril Box* (2.5 gold maybe 400 gems value)
– 10 Experience Boosters* (1100 gems value)
Making a GW2 simple edition, getting rid of all the add ons and dropping the price by 10 dollars or so might be a great idea. There are still people that I would love to gift the game to. I can’t spend a lot of money monthly (for the upcoming month all of the money that I would normally spend on leisure will go to a dentist because one of my teeth decided to break), so I would benefit from there being a cheaper edition that I could buy for them.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970


Personally i think this is a good idea. Gw2 is still getting alot of hype from major media outlets like ign and massively, due to the living story.
Although I have heard from a reliable source that there was another boom in box sales after the recent trial weekend, If thats the case I would emplore anet to continue with the trial weekends on every MAJOR update (i mean a huge addition such as the invasions not the major update of the month) until box sales flatten out completely. Then, i would push another small marketing campaign and promote a cheap/starter version with a reduced number of char slots.

Let me make it clear though, I would think it to be a terrible idea if there were any more restrictions than that.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

I’d like to keep this game in business.

If people are too cheap to pay for a game, they are most likely not going to buy anything in the gem store anyway.

The current price is fine.

League of Legend’s pricing model would like to have a word with you.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psychol.5783


Nope, I don’t want more botters, it’s good idea for a windows but not a game.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

Nope, I don’t want more botters, it’s good idea for a windows but not a game.

This is actually a good point. Drop the price too low and it would become virtually impossible to stop botters.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: locoman.1974


Maybe not a $10 version mainly because of botters, but they could offer a cheaper PvP only version that would only have access to sPvP with the posibility to upgrade to PvE and WvW access. IIRC they had something like that on GW1.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morbious.5832


in a local store ive seen the box as cheap as £20 amazon has new boxs at £26
it’s cheap enough and will prob drop more as shops try to shift there old stock

so personally i dont see the point in a insaneily cheap version with stuff missing when the box with everything will soon be as cheap

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: ParnAshwind.4823


They are planning to launch GW2 in China soon… why would they want to sell GW2 cheap now?


USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Late For Tea.1846

Late For Tea.1846

You pay for the game, not the character slots. The bonus items are a bonus, which means free. Their value is not included in the price. Why would they sell the full game and a character slot for the price of a single character slot?

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

There’s so much ignorance in this post. As previously noted, your $60 one time purchase is not a incentive for Anet to continue expanding the game, the very profitable gemstone is. Having said that, why not increase accessibility to this gem store while making a modest profit off of this $10 deal? This would not make Anet more poor than they are now. Any extra box sales at this point is just icing on the cake. Also for your 2nd point, there’s countless of free MMO,MMORPG,MMOFPS games out there with microtransaction and I assure you that they are still in business.

Sorry, but there are two things wrong with this.

1) It can’t be a gem store item, that would require already having access to the game since you can’t buy things off the gem store without getting to the gem store. So while it’s cool to gauge things in gem values it makes no sense from a retail perspective.

2) Use and purchase of gems does nothing to server ANet, nor GW2. All Gem purchase profits go directly to NCSoft and bypass ANet entirely. NCSoft owns the Gems and sells the Gems to be used for ingame purchases, and then does whatever they want to with the money they get. They can choose to bring it back to supporting GW2, but they can just as easily use it to boost production in Wildstar, or make Lineage 3. It’s entirely up to them.

So, assuming ANet gets the value of box sales, the end result is, ANet gets $10and then all the money ANet could have gotten for the rest of the price of a normal “box” goes to NCSoft to do kitten-all with. In this case I’d much rather them continue to sell these for $50.

If all sales, regardless of source, go to NCSoft, though, then I completely support this idea, because I think it would be a very good introductory package into the game.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

(edited by Kal Spiro.9745)

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sky.7610


There’s so much ignorance in this post. As previously noted, your $60 one time purchase is not a incentive for Anet to continue expanding the game, the very profitable gemstone is. Having said that, why not increase accessibility to this gem store while making a modest profit off of this $10 deal? This would not make Anet more poor than they are now. Any extra box sales at this point is just icing on the cake. Also for your 2nd point, there’s countless of free MMO,MMORPG,MMOFPS games out there with microtransaction and I assure you that they are still in business.

Sorry, but there are two things wrong with this.

1) It can’t be a gem store item, that would require already having access to the game since you can’t buy things off the gem store without getting to the gem store. So while it’s cool to gauge things in gem values it makes no sense from a retail perspective.

2) Use and purchase of gems does nothing to server ANet, nor GW2. All Gem purchase profits go directly to NCSoft and bypass ANet entirely. NCSoft owns the Gems and sells the Gems to be used for ingame purchases, and then does whatever they want to with the money they get. They can choose to bring it back to supporting GW2, but they can just as easily use it to boost production in Wildstar, or make Lineage 3. It’s entirely up to them.

So, assuming ANet gets the value of box sales, the end result is, ANet gets $10and then all the money ANet could have gotten for the rest of the price of a normal “box” goes to NCSoft to do kitten-all with. In this case I’d much rather them continue to sell these for $50.

If all sales, regardless of source, go to NCSoft, though, then I completely support this idea, because I think it would be a very good introductory package into the game.

1. Explain to me how your one(1) time purchase continues to provide a incentive for Anet to expand the game NOW. Plz enlighten me. The obvious answer is because they make a steady profit from the gemstone. Now that the sales of boxes are heavily slowing down due to it being a old game, where do you suppose they get their money from? Right. The gemstore. So why is it a bad idea to sell the base game cheaper to get more ppl playing the game so they can spend more at the gemstore?

2. Ncsoft owns Anet. So ALL profits belong to Ncsoft, box sales or gemstone or that expensive keyboard you bought. ALL OF IT.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: cheshirekitty.1240


I do Like this Idea, But let us meet the Naysayers in the middle ground. 20-25$ thus making naysayers feel their initial purchase on a free to play game hasn’t been cheapened.

Making the current pricing model retroactively speaking, a Player’s Choice edition, with more Features, and Maybe a few extra bags.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

1. Explain to me how your one(1) time purchase continues to provide a incentive for Anet to expand the game NOW.

People who love and play the game will naturally bring in new players. New players also don’t want to jump into a stagnated game. They demand vibrancy from their MMOs. And should ANet ever decide to release a full-blown expansion for the game, it’s their existing player base who will be the primary customers.

There are all sorts of ways to monetize games these days. Let’s not oversimplify.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I think Arenanet is very good at making business decisions. Proof of that is they never had to lay off anybody after this game launched, and they have been making $3Million a month in sales. So they know what they are doing to make money. I have no doubt that new customers are buying the game at an acceptable rate for Arenanet. They will lower the price again when they feel they need to, but apparently $50 price tag is still makes a good volumes of sales.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sky.7610


1. Explain to me how your one(1) time purchase continues to provide a incentive for Anet to expand the game NOW.

People who love and play the game will naturally bring in new players. New players also don’t want to jump into a stagnated game. They demand vibrancy from their MMOs. And should ANet ever decide to release a full-blown expansion for the game, it’s their existing player base who will be the primary customers.

There are all sorts of ways to monetize games these days. Let’s not oversimplify.

This is something that might sound logical on paper but completely falls apart when slapped with the force of reality in practice. This game sold over 3+million since January, and has only sold an additional 500,000(more or less) since then. That’s the number they managed to pull in with reduced box price,sales, bi-weekly updates, etc. that is $25million revenue at best(not even taking sales into account which probably count for majority of sales). Tell me, do you believe that the expenses and efforts incurred during 8+ months of continuous effort by the entire Anet studio does not exceed $25million and is worth that? This is a drop of revenue compare to what the gem store pulls in on a monthly basis, which is the real reason why they continuously come out with new content to capitalize on it.

Also, your 2nd theory that retaining existing players to sell them an expansion is a good idea. I agree, but considering they already have your $ and the majority of new players looking to pick the game up don’t even know much until after they play, wouldn’t it make more sense for them to concentrate their efforts on the expansion rather than the living story? They even said they are not working on an expansion. Know why that is? Because that’s not where the money is.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


No. drastically lower the cost of an item to $10 and it automatically makes it less appealing to a number of people who do spend money. because there’s an automatic relationship made by the consumer base of money=quality. A price has been set. Put that item on clearance and it becomes less valuable. The biggest group of people this idea would appeal to is those who don’t spend money to begin with. All this does is lower the value for people who do. The only time this idea should be implemented is when GW2 already has one foot in the grave.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: JemL.3501


the box is already cheap, it cost me 60 dollars back in days.

I took an arrow to the knee

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

No. drastically lower the cost of an item to $10 and it automatically makes it less appealing to a number of people who do spend money. because there’s an automatic relationship made by the consumer base of money=quality. A price has been set. Put that item on clearance and it becomes less valuable. The biggest group of people this idea would appeal to is those who don’t spend money to begin with. All this does is lower the value for people who do. The only time this idea should be implemented is when GW2 already has one foot in the grave.

team fortress 2 became free to play, and they made even more monies from the mann co store.

your argument is invalid.